Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 9 June 2023

In this week’s newsletter...

  • President's Message
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • BFACT Knockout Teams Qualifying - 4 week competition from 15 June
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea Workshop - Bidding Strong Hands and Slams - 1 July 
  • Interhemispheric RealBridge Challenge - 4 July at 6pm
  • BFACT InterClub Teams -16 July - entries close 30 June 
  • Canberra In Bloom - including Special Novice event - 29 September to 2 October 
  • Competitive Bidding and Play  - 4 week course with Barb Toohey from 8 August
  • Directors Courses with Sebastian Yuen - save the dates!
  • Ian Morison:Card Play
  • Lighter Moments 


President's Message


This week when I entered the clubhouse and paid my usual visit to the managers' office I was greeted by an absolute transformation. Treasurer Jennifer and Managers Kerry and Tamara had been busy little bees removing all old papers, emptying filing cabinets, and reorganising the cupboards. The office absolutely glows with efficiency and good order. You many notice that there is at least one filing cabinet which is free to a good home if anyone has the need. This is obviously part of our strategy to help make the CBC building feel cherished!

Behind the scenes the directors are beginning to organise the InterClub Teams’ competition in association with BFACT and, to encourage newer players to bridge competition, there will soon be a new opportunity for novice players to enjoy a bridge congress - see the Canberra in Bloom notice below.  

Yes, the Club is open on the King's "birthday" holiday! 

Tim Mather


Our weekly sessions are almost the same as last week.

Supervised Lessons

  • 14/16 June: Rule of 20 and Rule of 15
  • 21/23 June: Rule of 11
  • 28/30 June: Preemptive openings
  • 5/7 July: Weak 2D/2H/2S openings
  • 12/14 July: Strong 2C opening
  • 19/21 July:  Slam bidding & Blackwood
  • 26/28 July:  Negative and other doubles

A full list of lessons scheduled in 2023 is here.  

 Calling experienced players

If you are an experienced player with some free time on a Wednesday evening, please consider volunteering to assist in our Wednesday evening supervised sessions.  The commitment is a maximum of one night a month. Your role is to be available to answer questions during supervised play. Depending on numbers you may be asked to join a table.  If interested, please send Morag Lokan an email.


Master the Basics 

Master the Basics virtual lessons are on Thursdays at 9.00am. Please email Barb Toohey if you want to be added to the Zoom class. It's $6 for members and $8 for non-members. The lessons run for 30 minutes.  

Next Thursday the session is on Bidding - Responses and Rebids.  A full list of MTB topics for 2023 is available here.  

Roland Garros once said "Victory comes to those who are tenacious."  We note that several of the regular attendees to Master the Basics have featured in the victory stakes including Nicola Meares, Judy Pejovic and Sylvia Corby. 


Upcoming Events 

BFACT Knockout Teams Qualifying - 4 week competition from 15 June

THURSDAY EVENINGS Initial 4 week competition 15, 22, 29 June & 6 July with Finals 27 July and 3 August at 7:15 pm

  • The winning team qualifies as ACT 1 for the 2023 GNOT National Final.
  • Program:
    • 4 evenings of TEAM play commencing at 7:15 pm, Knockout/Swiss repechage format
    • 27th July: Qualifying final: Second team in the knockout plays the winner in the repechage.

      3rd August: Winner of knockout plays the winner of the qualifying final. Loser of qualifying final can join the second week of the Winter Butler.

  • GOLD Masterpoints, State GW 5.0 UUG (6 sessions)
  • Entry Conditions:
    • Pre-entry essential
    • Entries close Monday 12 June at 10:00 am
    • Late entries accepted only under strict conditions and at the sole discretion of the organiser
  • Entry Method:
    • Online entry
    • Email the office
  • Cost:
    • $13 per session until 30 June, thereafter $15 per session, concessions are available


Will Jenner O'Shea Workshop - Saturday 1 July 2023 

Bidding Strong Hands and Slams (for all standards) 10am - 3pm

Topics include

  • Practice your strong opening bids of 2C, 2NT and strong jump bids
  • Decide when to look for slams and who should ask for aces
  • Some skills to help you bid good slams and avoid bad ones
  • Lots of high-level bidding practice

Play around 20 boards. Each hand has an interesting play and/or defence tip, and all hands will be discussed in detail, both bidding and playing.  An excellent booklet of the lesson content is included.  

Will Jenner-O’Shea has been teaching bridge for over 10 years. He has taught hundreds of Beginners, and thousands of Intermediate and Advanced players. He has taught at most of the largest Clubs in Sydney and around Australia, as well as presented bridge lessons at several National Events. He last taught at the Canberra Bridge Club in November and his lesson was very well received. Will has represented Australia and won several National events. 

The event includes a delicious morning tea, a light lunch and a booklet of notes; let us know of dietary requirements on registration. Partnerships and singles are welcome. If coming as a partnership or table of four please indicate in your entry.

Cost: $50 per player

To make a booking please email Will and transfer funds via CBC pay with the reference your ABF number WJOW  


Interhemispheric RealBridge Challenge - 4 July 

You are invited to take part in in a huge contest, spanning vast expanses of land and sea. It all happens on Tuesday 4 July, at 6 pm.

This event is normal table fees in the usual manner.

There will be three pools of players. The top 20 tables will comprise the expert pool. Club players will be in the middle pool. Newcomers to the game and learners (having played more than 6 months) will be in their own pool. In the newcomers pool we will play 2 fewer boards, so that we all end at the same time.

Jennifer Yeats, our Treasurer said "I played in the last one and it was a lot of fun."

Please enter by online form and the earlier the better so the organisers can balance teams.  There will a limit to the number of pairs and early entry will mean you won't be disappointed.  


BFACT InterClub Teams - 16 July 

CBC Is hosting the InterClub Teams here at CBC on 16 July.

There are Novice, Restricted, Intermediate and Senior categories.  There is no limit on the number of teams playing.  

To enter as a pair or team please use the online booking form or email the office before 30 June 2023.  

We are looking for players willing to reserve for the Interclub Team events on 16 July, in case players are sick or otherwise unable to play on the day. Players of any standard are welcome, and if you are needed, you play for free. We are also looking for players who might be able to make up a fourth player for some of the regional teams. If you are available, please email the tournament convener, Roger Brake.


Canberra In Bloom - including Special Novice Event

Starting Friday 29th September, right here at Canberra Bridge Club! A national Gold point event with Pairs & Teams events for players of all abilities! See MyABF for more detail (or entries) and direct enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note this year has the inaugural Butterfly Orchid Novice Pairs event on the Friday afternoon for beginners with less than 5 masterpoints -  it lets you put your toe in the water to see what a congress is like:)

Interstaters Jean Hydleman and Ralph Edwards are looking for team mates to play Saturday and Sunday in the Open Teams.  Please email Jean if interested.  


Beginners Lessons - Coming soon

The next beginners lessons start on Wednesday 7pm on 2 August or Friday 10am on 4 August. If you have family or friends that would like to learn, get them to register online here.  


Competitive Bidding and Play

Competitive Bidding and Play Training with Barb Toohey is coming soon on 8 August.  The course will run for  4-weeks from 10am to noon. This is the next step after the beginners lessons, and suitable for Novice & Supervised Players.  Topics covered include 

  • Week 1: Doubles
  • Week 2: Overcalls
  • Week 3: Leads
  • Week 4: Signals

Please register using the online form.  The cost is $55 for four weeks or $15 per week.  


Illawarra Chris Diment Pairs and Teams - 17 and 18 June 2023  

For more information visit or email Jill MacRae. Online entry 


BFACT Upcoming Director's Courses - save the dates

Saturday 24th June focused on existing directors - covering judgment rulings

Saturday/Sunday 18 & 19 November - for aspiring new or in-training directors.


Ian Morison: Card Play

To read Ian's column please press here.   


Lighter Moments

I wondered why the cricket ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me! 

Broken pencils are pointless. 

What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?  A thesaurus. 

England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.

I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest. 

I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx. 

All the toilets in London police stations have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on.

Velcro - what a rip off! 

Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy.


Thanks to David and Kathleen Kenny for cleaning the Bridgemates!

Good luck to everyone playing in the Victor Cup in Melbourne and to the CBC Teams playing in the 6 month monthly Australia Wide Realbridge Knockout Competition commencing Tuesday 13 June at 7.30pm.  

Be kind in all things

Tamara (for Kerry and Tamara)