Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 30 June 2023

In this week’s newsletter...

  • President's Message
  • Integra Service Dogs Australia - 2023-24 Club Charity 
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • BFACT InterClub Teams -16 July -  entries close  - extended to 9 July
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea: Workshop 30 July: Making the Most of Weak Hands
  • Canberra In Bloom - 29 September to 2 October - BFACT Early bird discounts for 
  • Competitive Bidding and Play - 4 week course with Barb Toohey from 8 August
  • Ian Morison: Card Play
  • Lighter Moments 


President's Message


The committee recently decided that the club’s charity for 2023-2024 would be Integra Service Dogs Australia. Jane Andrews, a member of CBC who has had personal experience with ISDA, has provided the piece for this week’s newsletter about the important support they provide. Thank you to members for your nominations.

Club members gave generously over the past year with $1,793 being raised for Radio 1RPH. Please remember that all money raised at our produce table goes to the club’s charity. Any excess produce or home-made products gratefully received.

Will Jenner-O’Shea is going to be a busy boy this weekend teaching slam bidding at the club on Saturday and conducting a Youth training day for our representatives heading to the Australian National Championships in Perth next month.

Tim Mather


Integra Service Dogs Australia (ISDA) - 2023-24 Charity

Integra Service Dogs Australia works with Veterans and First Responders and their families suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by enriching lives through highly trained Labrador assistance dogs.

My daughter Grace and her partner Phil fostered a beautiful golden Labrador, Tatum, for 6 weeks before he was placed, see his picture in the online version of the newsletter. The dogs are trained to be close companions for Veterans and First Responders, so whilst they are being fostered, they go everywhere with Grace and Phil including to work, cafes, shops and of course on walks.

You can read some of the touching stories of those Veterans and First Responders whose lives have been forever changed from having the support of an Integra Service Dog here:

Thanks Jane!

Happy EOFY! Table fees increase as per previous newsletter from 1 July.  CBC Pay Statements for the end of June will go out next week.  


Our weekly sessions are the same as last week.


Supervised Lessons

These happen on Wednesdays from 7pm, or Fridays from 9.30am.  

  • 5/7 July: Weak 2D/2H/2S openings
  • 12/14 July: Strong 2C opening
  • 19/21 July:  Slam bidding & Blackwood
  • 26/28 July:  Negative and other doubles


Master the Basics 

Master the Basics virtual lessons are on Thursdays at 9.00am. Please email Barb Toohey if you want to be added to the Zoom class. It's $6 for members and $8 for non-members. The lessons run for 30 minutes.  

Next Thursday the session is on Competitive Bidding  - So the Opponents Have Bid!


Upcoming Events 


BFACT InterClub Teams - 16 July 

It is CBC's turn to host the BFACT InterClub Teams which will be held at the clubrooms on 16 July. CBC teams will be subsidised by the club so that each entrant will only pay $20 (ie $80 per team).

There are Novice, Restricted, Intermediate and Senior categories. There is no limit on the number of teams playing.  

To enter as a pair or team please use the online booking form or email the office before 9 July 2023.  

We are looking for players willing to reserve for the InterClub Team events on 16 July, in case players are sick or otherwise unable to play on the day. Players of any standard are welcome, and if you are needed, you play for free. We are also looking for players who might be able to make up a fourth player for some of the regional teams. If you are available, please email the tournament convener, Roger Brake.


Will Jenner O'Shea - Workshop: Making the Most of Weak Hands

Many of you (150 or so) will be aware of Will and his workshops. Will is back later next month with a workshop of how to take advantage of a weak hand. Save the date - Sunday 30 July. More information to follow. We hope to see you there.  


Forward Planning

Save the Dates! BFACT have advised the following dates:

Gala Pairs - Saturday 16 September

BFACT AGM - Saturday 16 September


Canberra In Bloom - including Special Novice Event

Starting Friday 29 September, right here at Canberra Bridge Club! A national Gold point event with Pairs & Teams events for players of all abilities! See MyABF for more detail (or entries) and direct enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Enter before 31 August for an earlybird discount!

Note this year has the inaugural Butterfly Orchid Novice Pairs event on the Friday afternoon for beginners with less than 5 masterpoints -  it lets you put your toe in the water to see what a congress is like:)

Encouragement from Jenny Bell who filled in at the Summer Festival of Bridge in January.  "The Director at our Wednesday game mentioned that volunteers were needed to come in at short notice if someone was unable to play.  My regular partner was at the coast, so I put my name down on the spur of the moment.  

I'm a novice and really didn't expect to be called in. I was surprised, and thrilled to play four full days of bridge.  One man's partner hadn't arrived, and I played with him.  On the other days there were odd numbers of entries in the novice pairs, so two volunteers were called in so there would be no sit outs.  Everyone was grateful to the volunteers for coming in, and we had a lot of fun.  We even got some gold master points!

I learned a lot about how a bridge congress is organised, and was really impressed by the very smooth organisation of such a large event.  I would certainly volunteer, or enter, again.  

So if you're a novice, and thought that events like this were not for you, I say 'think again'.  Volunteers are needed at all levels, you'll play in your appropriate level of competition, you'll learn a lot, and you'll have fun.  And you'll be exhausted at the end.  Give it a go next year"....

Thanks Jenny - give it a go - or better yet - enter - the inaugural Butterfly Orchid Novice Pairs event on the Friday afternoon for beginners with less than 5 masterpoints.  


Beginners Lessons - Coming soon

The next beginners lessons start on Wednesday 7pm on 2 August or Friday 10am on 4 August. There are 40 registered already so plenty of room for more takers. If you have family or friends that would like to learn, get them to register online here


Competitive Bidding and Play

Competitive Bidding and Play Training with Barb Toohey is coming soon on 8 August. The course will run for 4 weeks from 10am to noon. This is the next step after the beginners lessons, and suitable for Novice & Supervised Players. Topics covered include 

  • Week 1: Doubles
  • Week 2: Overcalls
  • Week 3: Leads
  • Week 4: Signals

Please register using the online form.  The cost is $55 for four weeks or $15 per week.  


BFACT Upcoming Director's Courses 

Saturday/Sunday 18 & 19 November - for aspiring new or in-training directors.


Ian Morison: 

To read Ian's column please press here.


Lighter Moments

Several weeks ago we called for suggestions for a collective noun for a group of directors.  Several suggestions have been proffered. Most are bridge related (hardly surprising):

  • A Ruling of directors 
  • A Judgement…..
  • A bridge……

Another was more cerebral:

  • A denouement of directors

There were also a few others left (anonymously) in the office.  We would not speculate as to the origins of these, so include them for completeness:

  • A board of directors (duh!)
  • A majesty of directors 
  • A pre-eminence of directors
  • An esteem of directors

Yours truly 

I. M. Noone 

Beady eyes may have noticed the Honour Boards were updated during the week.

Many thanks to President Tim for marking the lines in the carpark!

It's been lovely having our work experience helper, an ACT Youth representative in the ACT team, in the office this week. We wish the ACT team well participating in the upcoming Australian National Championships in Perth next month. 

Be kind in all things

Tamara (for Kerry and Tamara)