Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 13 October 2023


In our newsletter this week...

  • President's Message
  • Vale Claire Hughes 
  • Discounted Summer Festival entries for Novices
  • Canberra in Bloom Review
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • Women's Training Camp
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea Youth Training Days and Workshops - October and November
  • Results 
  • Ian Morison


President's Message


You may have noticed if you have been playing at the club that there is a plan to renovate our clubhouse as the costs of maintenance have been increasing. However, we do not wish to do this if there is strong opposition from the membership. So if you object to any plans of such a nature please tell us through the suggestion box under the television in the Barry Turner room or email me, Mary Tough or Jennifer Yeats.

If you think it is a good idea to bring the building back up to being an attractive building in which to play bridge and not look quite so tired, then please give us suggestions on what you would like to see incorporated into the building and make you want to use it. This survey will be closing on 25th October when the committee will consider your suggestions at their next monthly meeting and let the idea lapse or, if there is support, bring your ideas to a general meeting later in the year. Use the emails above to bring your ideas to us, if you do not wish to use the suggestion box.

There are many hurdles to overcome if we are to proceed ( like budgets, how does this align with the strategic plan, the club is going to die anyway, so why bother, etc., etc.) but these can all be overcome through responsible planning and careful consideration by your committee who are not going to allow anything foolish to happen. We are the fourth largest club in Australia, and it is my belief we can be even greater, if only we can believe in ourselves and our abilities to use our community skills together, supporting each other, and our belief in the future of bridge.

Above all things, Trust your partner

Tim Mather


Vale Claire Hughes

Sadly the club has lost one of its valued members. Claire Hughes passed away on Thursday 12/10/23. 

Claire's partner Cathi Baywater has volunteered some words below. 


I first got to know Claire when she was learning to play bridge at the club. I had bullied my brother into lessons and tagged along.

It soon became apparent that we were related by insanity and she became my partner. She played frequently with others and she decided we should extend ourselves to some tournaments. The South Coast became a favourite. 

We won some Novice events and went to Melbourne for Nationals.

Once Claire was sure she understood bridge she felt that she should put some of her CEO and CFO skills into service with the committee. She was elected to the committee and used her contacts to update the website, add solar power and review the financial procedures. 

Covid moved us  online and further troubled her health issues. She needed more care than her family could provide so she moved to  Mountain View. 

After a few rounds of Covid, pneumonia and some other illnesses she could not continue to play .

On Thursday morning she declared her hand and left us.



Our deepest condolences goes out to all who knew and loved Claire.


Summer Festival of Bridge Discounted Novice Events

Canberra Bridge Club members with less than 100 MPs will have the opportunity to enter Summer Festival Novice events below at a discounted rate of 50%.

This deal is on a "First In First Serve" basis so if you are interested please enter as soon as possible, all entries should be in before 20th November

  • Novice Pairs: 10/01/2024 and 11/01/2024
  • Novice Teams (4-6 players): 12/01/2024

The fee for both events is $130 (Discounted from $260). Use the Online Entry Form or email the office.


 Canberra in Bloom Congress Review

Canberra's very own Gold Points Congress was a wonderful success again this year. Thank you to everyone who played a part in making it a success, from the players, to the organisers, and to the volunteers. It was wonderful to see so many Canberra players take part, and even more so to see so many Canberrans winning or placing in events.  Notably, Canberra's very own Jodi Tutty and her team were successful in the three day Val and John Brockwell Mixed Teams event. This particular event also attracted Playoff Qualifying Points (PQP) used to select the Australian Open and Mixed teams.  
Many, many players from all over Australia enjoyed a long weekend of competitive bridge and the very balmy spring weather. CIB 2023 encouraged players of all levels of experience to enter, including those with less than five Masterpoints, who competed in the inaugural fierce, but fun, Rookie event. And CIB 2023 also hosted six of Australia's eight Emerald Grand Masters.  These players have amassed more than 10,000 points of various hues.

For more detailed information and to see the list of winners for each event please have a look at the ABF results site:

You may have seen some familiar faces from Will Jenner O’Shea’s Youth Training Days - CBC’s very own Daryl Whitfield ably assisted the Chief Tournament Director (Ronnie Ng) and Damian Judd was the caddy at his inaugural event. Great work!

And a final word from the Partnership Desk. A huge thank you to everyone who partnered interstate and local players. Bricet really appreciated everyone's generosity in making themselves available to play.  Without you, we would have disappointed visitors, as well as suffered incomplete movements and sit-outs. My sincere apologies from BFACT to the very polite local player who was unfortunately woken in the middle of the night, in the middle of their Roman holiday, to be asked whether they could be a last minute substitute. And no, they were not available over the weekend. 
Finally, and most importantly, Canberra In Bloom 2024 will be held from Friday, 4 to Monday, 7 October 2024 next year. We look forward to seeing you there for another successful Bridge Congress featuring Canberra in all its blooming brilliance.

Cathy Nichols 
President Bridge Federation of the ACT
Canberra in Bloom Co-Convenor 2023 (with Roger Brake)


Upcoming Sessions and Events 

  • State Open Butler Pairs on Thursday 7:15pm on 26th of October, 2nd November and 9th November.
  • No event will be run on Thursday 19th of October due to the Spring Nationals.


Cancellation of RealBridge Friday Afternoon

Due to low numbers the committee has decided regretfully to cancel RealBridge Sessions on Friday Afternoons. If you were playing with a partner who was not a member of this club could you please let them know. 



Please don't forget to put in your ABF number as reference when making CBC payments. We will always strive to find the right depositor but it does make our jobs much easier!


Wednesday Night Pizzas

The next Wednesday night pizzas will be on 25th October. For those unfamiliar with the activity, the Wednesday night pizzas provide the opportunity for social interaction while enjoying a pizza sampling. It provides a great opportunity to talk to and socialise with your fellow players, which is not always the case when engaged in playing bridge. The pizzas will be available from 6:30, which provides ample time to enjoy your pizzas before supervised and walk-in play begins.

The cost of the pizzas is a nominal $5 payable on the day. This entitles you to half a pizza. A variety of toppings will be available and participants can pick and choose. Vegan pizzas can be made available for those who want them. No drinks are provided, so if you want liquid refreshment you will need to bring your own. 

Attendance is voluntary and those wishing to partake should place their name on a list on the noticeboard or contact Jon Pike directly.


Supervised Lessons

These happen on Wednesdays from 7pm, or Fridays from 9.30am. 

  • 18/20 October: Declarer Play: Taking a finesse
  • 25/27 October: Better minor responses and rebids
  • 1/3 Nov:  Responses to NT & Stayman
  • 8/10 Nov: Transfers - majors
  • 15/17 Nov: Rule of 20 and rule of 15
  • 22/24 Nov: Pre-emptive openings
  • 29 Nov/1 Dec: Weak 2 openings
  • 6/8 Dec: Strong 2C opening
  • 13/15 Dec:  Slam bidding, Blackwood.


Saturday afternoon face-to-face trial

The Committee has decided to extend the trial of Saturday afternoon face-to-face bridge. The trial held in August and September attracted some interest, and pleasingly did not detract from the concurrent RealBridge session. Due to Canberra in Bloom and a Will Jenner-O’Shea lesson on 14 October, the trial will restart on 21 October and run 28 October, 4 November and 11 November.


Working Bee - Saturday 21 October 9am to 12pm

Volunteers are needed for general outside gardening and clean up plus various jobs inside of the club. Please come and help us out for just half an hour or the entire 3 hours!

Sign up sheet is near the TV screen. Any questions contact the Club or Nick Vonthethoff on 0429 208 222. 


Women's Training Camp - next on 15 October 2023

Taken by Will Jenner O'Shea, this workshop looks at successful preempting and how to combat preempts.

It is open to any woman who is interested. As we are playing hands you will need a partner. No partner? please email Jodi Tutty. We have quite a few people looking.

Please enter ASAP with the office or email Jodi Tutty or tell the office. We need numbers by early next week to ensure that we have enough boards dealt.

Cost: $5 (payable on the day) plus a small plate (per pair) to share. Drinks provided.

Hope to see you there!


Will Jenner-O'Shea Youth Training Days

The next Youth Training day is coming up this Sunday 15th October and ALL Youth players are invited to attend.  And remember, please bring along as many of your friends as you would like!  

The format will be the same as previous Youth days, starting at 11am (with a lunch break) and finishing up around 3pm.  These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free.  If there are “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30, they will also be very welcome! 

Please email Mary Tough if you are attending so we have an idea on numbers.

When:                   Sunday,  October 15th.

Venue:                 Canberra Bridge Club, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin.

Time:                   11am-3pm.

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~        


Will Jenner-O'Shea Workshops  

How Do Competitive Bids Change at Different Levels - Saturday 14 October 10am to 3pm

Topics include

  • Doubles at the One-Level and the Two-Level
  • Overcalls at the One-Level and the Two-Level
  • No-Trumps at the One-Level and the Two-Level
  • Responding to All of Those Things

End of Year Summary - Saturday 25 November 10am to 3pm

Topics include

  • Practice a Variety of Topics and Revise 2023
  • Revise Bidding, Play and Defence Topics from Throughout The Year
  • Replay Many of the Interesting Hands From All The Workshops This Year


Results from 2023 Australia Wide Teams Club Knockout

Great results from our teams below who made the Semi Finals of the Australia Wide Teams Club Knockout. Their next event will be held on the 14th November so best of luck to them!

  • Open Semi-Finals - David Wawn - David Hoffman - Pam Crichton - Julia Hoffman - Peter Grant
  • Under 750 MP Semi-Finals - Tamara Cutcliffe - Kerry Butcher - Paul Nelson - Ruitian Lang - Chris Lokan - Morag Lokan
  • Under 100 MP Semi-Finals - Bricet Kloren - Hilary Merritt - John Lee - James Walcott - Anne Fleming - Andrew Mccredie


Interested in becoming a Bridge Director?  Or just want to improve your knowledge of the rules? In either case, Sebastian Yuen is an international director who will transport you to new levels of knowledge and learning. 

Saturday/Sunday 18 & 19 November - for aspiring new or in-training directors. 


Ian Morison

If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below

Safety Plays


Lighter Moments

Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?

Because it lifts their spirits!


Be kind in all things

Elizabeth (for Elizabeth,Tamara and Amik)