Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 20 October 2023

In our newsletter this week...

  • Vice President's Message
  • Discounted Summer Festival entries for Novices
  • Melbourne Cup
  • Beauchamp Visit
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • Promotions for September
  • Lost Properties
  • Ian Morison


VP in lieu of P


Your President Tim is off having a lovely walk through Victoria so here are a few words from us.

Last weekend the Club was “buzzing” with people everywhere all weekend!  Will Jenner-O’Shea must have been a tad exhausted after holding a Workshop on Saturday with around 75 keen people attending. 

And, on Sunday another full on day with a Youth Training day starting at 11:00am, 11 to 12 young players attended this and had a lot of fun (& food).  At 1:30pm 64 ladies turned up for a Women’s Training camp (with enough food for an army) and were very keen to learn all about successful preempting and combating preempts.


There are lots of people to thank for making this happen including Jodi, Julia, Pam, Adrienne, Janet, Liz, Christy, Sue, Bruce and of course, Will. 

Most members are aware by now that the Committee would love to know your thoughts on whatyoumight like to see “improved” in your Club building.  Wednesday 25 October is the cutoff, so please add your thoughts into the suggestion box under the television in the Barry Turner Room. All suggestions are welcomed and if you can’t get into the Club to provide your feedback please email Tim, Mary Tough or Jennifer Yeats.

Mary Tough & Jennifer Yeats (on behalf of your President)


Summer Festival of Bridge Discounted Novice Events

Canberra Bridge Club members with less than 100 MPs will have the opportunity to enter Summer Festival Novice events below at a discounted rate of 50%.

This deal is on a "First In First Serve" basis so if you are interested please enter as soon as possible, all entries should be in before 20th November

  • Novice Pairs: 10/01/2024 and 11/01/2024
  • Novice Teams (4-6 players): 12/01/2024

The fee for both events is $130 (Discounted from $260). Use the Online Entry Form or email the office.


Melbourne Cup


Get Ready - it's "The Race that Stops a Nation"  

Lock it in, Tuesday 7 November 2023, the afternoon bridge session will include Melbourne Cup fun.

We will have $5 and $2 sweeps on arrival, so remember to bring some small change.

The Club will supply refreshments - bubbly, juice and light nibbles. Director Bruce, will adopt a session that allows us to stop, have a drink in hand and watch the race. Some more interesting bridge will follow. 

Dress in style (or not) , there will be a prize for the best hat or fascinator announced at the end of the session.


Beauchamp Visit

A group of Sydney Bridge Players (about 40) are coming to Canberra for a bridge holiday. 

On the Tuesday afternoon (31 October) and Thursday morning ( 2 November) some of them will join the regular daytime session at the clubroom. 

This is an opportunity for our members to meet a friendly group of interstate visitors of similar standard and enjoy bridge comaraderie. 

This will not affect our usual sessions other than increasing the numbers of players at the club.

The club looks forward to hosting them.


Upcoming Sessions and Events 

  • State Open Butler Pairs on Thursday 7:15pm on 26th of October, 2nd November and 9th November
  • Sydney Spring Nationals is taking place in Canterbury, 18-25 October, 2023, Best of luck to all our members who are playing in this event!



Please don't forget to put in your ABF number as reference when making CBC payments. We will always strive to find the right depositor but it does make our jobs much easier!


Wednesday Night Pizzas

The next Wednesday night pizzas will be on 25th October. For those unfamiliar with the activity, the Wednesday night pizzas provide the opportunity for social interaction while enjoying a pizza sampling. It provides a great opportunity to talk to and socialise with your fellow players, which is not always the case when engaged in playing bridge. The pizzas will be available from 6:30, which provides ample time to enjoy your pizzas before supervised and walk-in play begins.

The cost of the pizzas is a nominal $5 payable on the day. This entitles you to half a pizza. A variety of toppings will be available and participants can pick and choose. Vegan pizzas can be made available for those who want them. No drinks are provided, so if you want liquid refreshment you will need to bring your own. 

Attendance is voluntary and those wishing to partake should place their name on a list on the noticeboard or contact Jon Pike directly.


Supervised Lessons

These happen on Wednesdays from 7pm, or Fridays from 9.30am. 

  • 25/27 October: Better minor responses and rebids
  • 1/3 Nov:  Responses to NT & Stayman
  • 8/10 Nov: Transfers - majors
  • 15/17 Nov: Rule of 20 and rule of 15
  • 22/24 Nov: Pre-emptive openings
  • 29 Nov/1 Dec: Weak 2 openings
  • 6/8 Dec: Strong 2C opening
  • 13/15 Dec:  Slam bidding, Blackwood.


Saturday afternoon 1pm face-to-face trial

The Committee has decided to extend the trial of Saturday afternoon face-to-face bridge. The trial held in August and September attracted some interest, and pleasingly did not detract from the concurrent RealBridge session. Due to Canberra in Bloom and a Will Jenner-O’Shea lesson on 14 October, the trial will restart on 21 October and run 28 October, 4 November and 11 November.


Working Bee - Saturday 21 October 9am to 12pm

Volunteers are needed for general outside gardening and clean up plus various jobs inside of the club. Please come and help us out for just half an hour or the entire 3 hours!

Sign up sheet is near the TV screen. Any questions contact the Club or Nick Vonthethoff on 0429 208 222. 


Promotions for September

  • Andrew Spooner - Grand
  • Lyn Turner - Gold Life
  • David Kenny - Silver Local
  • Janis Meikle - Bronze Local
  • Coralie Driscoll - Bronze Local
  • Ralf Behrens - Local
  • Steve Taylor - Local
  • Shannon Craft - Club
  • Robin Edwards - Club
  • Laurayne Bowler - Club
  • Grant Wickman - Club
  • Evonne Graham - Graduate


Interested in becoming a Bridge Director?  Or just want to improve your knowledge of the rules? In either case, Sebastian Yuen is an international director who will transport you to new levels of knowledge and learning. 

Saturday/Sunday 18 & 19 November - for aspiring new or in-training directors. 


Lost Properties

You might have noticed that we've put out a table near the upstairs kitchen with some properties left behind in the clubroom by our members.

There are numerous umbrellas, reading glasses, water bottles and jumpers looking for their rightful owners. Please have a look to see if you can find something that belongs to you. All lost properties will be taken to the ops shop by November. 


There are also cake boxes, trays and containers that were left behind after the weekend event. If you have brought in food and put them in the fridge could you please collect them. (There is a Woolworth cooler bag with various fruits and a knife in it, the bananas were black so they went in the bin but the rest is still there)


Ian Morison

If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below

Ask Yourself What is Partner Saying?


Lighter Moments

  • Why don’t cats like online shopping? They prefer a cat-alogue.
  • What do you call a tiger that drinks lemonade? A sour puss.
  • What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
  • What is a cat’s favorite song? Three Blind Mice.

Be kind in all things

Elizabeth (for Elizabeth,Tamara and Amik)