Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 10 November 2023

In our newsletter this week...

  • Melbourne Cup 
  • Community Rewards at Southern Cross Club Doubled for November
  • Annual Membership renewal for 2024
  • Dress Code Reminder
  • COVID Message
  • Discounted Summer Festival entries for Novices
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea's Workshops
  • Director's course
  • Ian Morison


Melbourne Cup

Another great day was enjoyed by all who attended last Tuesday’s MC session!  A big thank you to our newest Chair of Social & Congress - Barbara Bialowas who was thrown straight in to her first Social Event of the year, and she did an amazing job!  We hope everyone enjoyed their afternoon of bridge, bubbles & nibbles! 

There are a number of others to thank for making this day special for those attending.  Janet & Peter Kahler, Liz Van Der Hor & Adrienne Stephens for running the sweeps.  Adrienne & Barbara for “helping themselves” to “friends” roses to make the club look and smell amazing!  And of course to Bruce for ensuring the bridge session ran on time so everyone could stop and enjoy the race.

  • Prize for best hat (well best dressed as well) went to Jill Davis.

Thank you to everyone involved, without your help it is impossible for the Club to run these Events.

Mary Tough - VP


Community Rewards Doubled for November

The Canberra Bridge Club is a part of the Canberra Southern Cross Club Community Rewards Program. During the month of November the CSCC is doubling their Commnunity Rewards.

That means that our club will earn 15c for every $1 Members spend on eligible food and beverages across the Southern Cross Clubs. If you are a member of the Southern Cross club please don't forget to nominate the Canberra Bridge Club as your rewards program recipient.


Annual Membership Renewal for 2024

The Annual Membership renewal request for 2024 has been emailed to all current members.

Please reply to the email and ask for your membership renewal fee to be taken out of your CBCpay account. 

Alternatively if you need to pay cash or can't reply to the email, please ask the director for a membership renewal consent form and pay the director, not the office.

 *** Please note that your latest statement will not reflect the renewal fee deduction until it gets processed and this might take some time.


Dress Code Reminder

The dress code required by the Canberra Bridge Club is essentially a matter of common sense. Members and staff shall be conscious that they should not dress in any way that might reasonably give offence to another member. Dress restrictions at the Canberra Bridge Club include but are not limited to: No brief shorts No bare shoulders (males only); i.e., for instance, no singlets, no tank tops No sportswear, i.e. no swimwear, no lycra cycle wear, no body suits, no sports shorts No bare feet, no rubber thongs, no dirty shoes or boots, no soiled sneakers. 


COVID Message

Due to the recent increase in COVID cases we would like to remind everyone to stay home if you are feeling unwell and let us know if you've been diagnosed after having attended the club.

Please feel free to wear a mask whilst at the club.


Summer Festival of Bridge Discounted Novice Events

Canberra Bridge Club members with less than 100 MPs have the opportunity to enter the Summer Festival Novice events below at a discounted rate of 50%.

  • Novice Teams (4-6 players): 12/01/2024

The fee is $130 (discounted from $260). 

The Novice Pairs have been very popular and unfortunately we have reached the limit so the entries are now closed.

We still have quite a lot of spots in the Novice Teams. Please let us know if you need teammates or partners. We are putting together teams.


Upcoming Sessions and Events 


Will Jenner-O'Shea Youth Training Days

The next youth training day hosted by Will Jenner-O'Shea is on Sunday 26 November. 

The idea is to continue the format from previous Youth Days starting at 11am (with a lunch break) and finishing around 3pm.

These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free. If there are “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30, they will also be very welcome! 

Please email Mary Tough if you are attending so we have an idea on numbers.

Venue: Canberra Bridge Club, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin

Time: 11am-3pm

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~             

Will Jenner-O'Shea Workshops  

End of Year Summary - Saturday 25 November 10am to 3pm

Topics include

  • Practice a Variety of Topics and Revise 2023
  • Revise Bidding, Play and Defence Topics from Throughout The Year
  • Replay Many of the Interesting Hands From All The Workshops This Year

For more info and to register click on the link here


11 November Saturday F-2-F Bridge moved to 18 November

Please be advised that due to the ABF playoffs being run at the club on the 11 November we will need to cancel the trial face-to-face Saturday bridge that had been scheduled to run on the same date.

The trial F-2-F Saturday afternoon bridge scheduled for 11 November has now been postponed to 1pm on 18 November instead. 

The RealBridge will run as per normal on all Saturdays.


Directors Course 18 and 19 November

Introduction to directing on the Saturday, with some more advanced examples for existing directors. More refresher and remainder of the Club Director level material on the Sunday. No one should be entirely bored and at the end you will know so much more! The more directors the Clubs have the more holidays the other directors can take!!!

Dates: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th November 2023

Presenter: Sebastian Yuen

Venue: Canberra Bridge Club, upstairs room, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin

Parking: onsite or if full near the soccer field

Start time: 10am, please be there by 9:40 on the Saturday to complete your registration

Finish time: 5pm

Cost: The Directors course is fully funded by BFACT for ABF members. For non ABF members the fee is $25 per day.

* Bring your own lunch or alternatively there are cafes at the nearby Deakin shops

Please email the office if you are planning to come.


Supervised Lessons

These happen on Wednesdays from 7pm, or Fridays from 9.30am. 

  • 15/17 Nov: Rule of 20 and rule of 15
  • 22/24 Nov: Pre-emptive openings
  • 29 Nov/1 Dec: Weak 2 openings
  • 6/8 Dec: Strong 2C opening
  • 13/15 Dec:  Slam bidding, Blackwood.


Ian Morison

If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below

Grand Slam or just a Slam?


Lighter Moments

Things You Learn if You Live Long Enough (Part 2)

  • One thing no one ever talks about when it comes to being an older adult is how much time we devote to keeping a cardboard box because it is, you know, a really good box.

  • If you dropped something when you were younger, you just picked it up.  When you're older and you drop something, you stare at it for just a bit contemplating if you actually need it anymore.

  • I like to make lists.  I also like to leave them laying on the kitchen counter, and then guess what's on the list when I am at the store.

  • My kids say they want a cat for Christmas.  Normally I serve turkey, but, hey, if it will make them happy.

  • Ask your doctor if a drug with 32 pages of side-effects is bad for you.

  • I re-labeled all of the jars in my wife's spice rack.  I'm not in trouble yet, but the thyme is cumin.

  • The best way to get back on your feet is to miss two car payments.

  • As I watch this generation try to rewrite history, one thing I am sure of is that it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.

  • Driver:  "What am I supposed to do with this speeding ticket?"  Officer, "Keep it. When you collect four of them, you get a bicycle."

Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth (for Elizabeth and Amik)