Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 17 November 2023

In our newsletter this week...

  • Community Rewards at Southern Cross Club Doubled for November
  • Annual Membership renewal for 2024
  • Summer Festival of Bridge
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea's Workshops
  • Results
  • Ian Morison


Community Rewards Doubled for November

The Canberra Bridge Club is a part of the Canberra Southern Cross Club Community Rewards Program. During the month of November the CSCC is doubling their Commnunity Rewards.

That means that our club will earn 15c for every $1 Members spend on eligible food and beverages across the Southern Cross Clubs. If you are a member of the Southern Cross club please don't forget to nominate the Canberra Bridge Club as your rewards program recipient.


Annual Membership Renewal for 2024

The Annual Membership renewal request for 2024 has been emailed to all current members.

Please reply to the email and ask for your membership renewal fee to be taken out of your CBCpay account. 

Alternatively if you need to pay cash or can't reply to the email, please ask the director for a membership renewal consent form and pay the director, not the office.

 *** Please note that your latest statement might not reflect the renewal fee deduction until it gets processed.


Summer Festival of Bridge

This is one of Australia’s top bridge championships and is held in Canberra from Tuesday Jan 9th to Sunday Jan 21st. There are events for all levels so come along and be part of it. You might even win a national event!

Some of the events include the following.

Novice events  <100 masterpoints

  • Novice MP Swiss Pairs: Wed 10th to Thu 11th - $260
  • One day Novice Teams (Discounted entry available, see below): Fri 12th - $260
  • Novice Swiss Pairs: Sat 13th to Sun 14th - $290

Novice Players can play in the restricted events as well.

Restricted events

  • National Life Master Teams <1000: Tue 9th to Thu 11th - $870
  • 500/750 Swiss Pairs (Separate events for <500 and <700): Sat 13th to Sun 14th - $290
  • Under 750/300 (Separate events for <300 and <750): Mon 15th to Wed 17th - $870

How to enter

As this is a national event you need to enter via You will need to sign up using your ABF number. If you have any problems, please contact Jodi Tutty.

Discounted Novice Events

Canberra Bridge Club members have the opportunity to enter Novice Teams on 12th January at the  discounted price of $130 (50% of the normal price). Please let us know if you need teammates or partners. We are putting together teams.

Please note that the Novice Pairs were very popular so we no longer have any discounted spots left. However you can still enter the event at myABF.


SFOB Partnership desk:

For all partnership enquiries (not related to the Discounted Novice Events) please contact Perelle Scales on 0450 961 935 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Perelle will be able to help you if you are looking for a partner or team mates to play at the Summer Festival. She is also looking for people who can substitute for a player at the last minute, let her know if you are available. If you are called in to substitute you will get to play for free!


Upcoming Sessions and Events 


Will Jenner-O'Shea Youth Training Days

The last youth training day for 2023 hosted by Will Jenner-O'Shea is on Sunday 26 November. 

The idea is to continue the format from previous Youth Days starting at 11am (with a lunch break) and finishing around 3pm.

These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free. If there are “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30, they will also be very welcome! 

Please email Mary Tough if you are attending so we have an idea on numbers.

Venue: Canberra Bridge Club, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin

Time: 11am-3pm

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~           


Will Jenner-O'Shea Workshops  

End of Year Summary - Saturday 25 November 10am to 3pm

Topics include

  • Practice a Variety of Topics and Revise 2023
  • Revise Bidding, Play and Defence Topics from Throughout The Year
  • Replay Many of the Interesting Hands From All The Workshops This Year

For more info and to register click on the link here


11 November Saturday F-2-F Bridge moved to 18 November

Please be advised that due to the ABF playoffs being run at the club on the 11 November we will need to cancel the trial face-to-face Saturday bridge that had been scheduled to run on the same date.

The trial F-2-F Saturday afternoon bridge scheduled for 11 November has now been postponed to 1pm on 18 November instead. 

The RealBridge will run as per normal on all Saturdays.


Supervised Lessons

These happen on Wednesdays from 7pm, or Fridays from 9.30am. 

  • 22/24 Nov: Pre-emptive openings
  • 29 Nov/1 Dec: Weak 2 openings
  • 6/8 Dec: Strong 2C opening
  • 13/15 Dec:  Slam bidding, Blackwood.


Congratulations to Will Jenner-O'Shea, Andrew Spooner and team mates who were the runners up in the 2024 Open Team Playoff !


Ian Morison

If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below

Gambling 3NT


Lighter Moments

A priest, a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit "What will you have?" 

The rabbit replies "I dunno. I'm only here because of Autocorrect".


Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth (for Elizabeth and Amik)