Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 15 December 2023

In our newsletter this week...

  • President's Message
  • ABF playoffs
  • Barnardos Christmas Giving Tree Appeal
  • Christmas Raffles
  • Christmas Gift Vouchers for Beginner's Lessons
  • Bridge Calendar for 2024
  • SFOB discounted under 1000MP event
  • SFOB partnership desk
  • Supervised Lessons
  • Mystery deposit
  • Ian Morison


President's Message 

You will have received an email advising that soon CBC will be transitioning to My ABF from CBC Pay. Earlier this year I travelled to South Australia and investigated how the system was operating at the larger SABC in Olny. The membership there are very happy with the system once it was explained to them. It is a very secure payment system and I commend the committee for pursuing this payment system which will decrease our costs without decreasing the security of our current system.

Next week we will be celebrating the festive season with a short break in play for a slice of cake and a drink. Use the opportunity to discuss your bidding and play so far in the competition with your partner. By discussing then, you may improve in the second half of the competition.

Tim Mather 


ABF playoffs

The ABF playoffs for the Mixed Team Trial has just concluded and our very own Jodi Tutti has secured a spot to represent Australia in Buenos Aires next year at the World Bridge Games. 

Congratulations Jodi, we are all proud of you!

Jodi mentioned that many of our members gave her hugs of encouragement and that's how she managed finish strongly after having been coming behind for most of the tournament.  


Barnardos Christmas Giving Tree Appeal

Thanks to everyone who brought in gifts, vouchers and cash (collected at the office) our giving tree is looking great! 

Please continue to support this cause, the deadline is until the morning of 20th December. 


Christmas Raffle

Have you bought tickets for the wonderful Christmas raffle? Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.

Please support as a portion of the sales goes to our worthy charity, Integra Service Dogs Australia. 

A huge thank you to Adrienne Stephens who bakes the cake and fills the basket with delicious bits and pieces.

There is an extra prize this year,thanks to The Grange Deakin. First ticket drawn out will get their choice of the two fabulous hampers. 

The raffle books and prizes are on the table in the main room and the raffle will be drawn at the Wednesday morning session on 20 December.


Christmas Celebrations at the Club

This year CBC is planning to celebrate Christmas at all club room sessions from Monday morning 18 December to Saturday 23 December. At each session, there will be a short break in play. Members will be offered a glass of champagne/orange juice/mineral water and a sweet treat courtesy of the Club. Note that the session may finish a few minutes later than usual. 

We hope you can join one of these sessions, decked out in your festive gear. 


Christmas Gift Vouchers for Beginner's Lessons

Our next beginners classes commence on Wednesday evening 31 January and Friday morning 2nd February 2024. Why not give a gift voucher to friends and families this Christmas introducing them to the wonderful world of Bridge? Each voucher will cost $69 and will be available to purchase at the office.

Course overview: 6x weekly lessons

Includes everything you need to learn- textbook, detailed notes, and 3 free vouchers for 'supervised play' after completion. 

  • Wednesdays: 7pm -  9pm January 31- March 6
  • Fridays: 10am - 12pm February 2 - March 8


Printable Calendar for 2024

 The 2024 Club Calendar has now been released. You can find it by clicking on the link below or on our website. If you'd like an A3 hardcopy for your noticeboard at home, just ask the office.

CBC 2024 Printable Calendar


50% discount for the under 1000 masterpoints at the Summer Festival of Bridge 

Reduced entry of 50% is being offered into the

  • National Life and Non Life Master Teams on Tuesday to Thursday, 9th to 11th January.

The fee is $436 per team (discounted from $870) or $109 per person (discounted from $217.50)

Currently there are very few entries. If there are not enough entries for an enjoyable 3 day event,  a one day teams event will be played on Tuesday and then the pairs can transfer into the Chris Diment Pairs for the Wednesday and Thursday.

To enter please email the office or enter online by clicking here

If you have queries or would like help with partners or team mates, please  email Jodi Tutty.


SFOB Partnership desk

For all partnership enquiries (not related to the Discounted Novice Events) please contact Perelle Scales. Perelle will be able to help you if you are looking for a partner or team mates to play at the Summer Festival. She is also looking for people who can substitute for a player at the last minute, let her know if you are available. If you are called in to substitute you will get to play for free!


Supervised Lessons

 The supervised program will be taking a short break over the holiday period.  Our lessons will restart on Wednesday 31 January 2024.

If you are a supervised player who would like a game over the holiday period, please come along. If you would like to do this,  you can try your hand at a standard duplicate.  The directors are very supportive.  If you would prefer to just to play a few hands and have the opportunity to ask questions, please get in touch with Morag. Morag has experienced volunteers who are happy to be on call to assist.


Mystery Deposit

From time to time we get money deposited into our account from members who have forgotten to put in their ABF number and we are unable to deduce by their name who they are. If you have made the payment below please contact the office.

Description DEPOSIT JOHN ALEXANDER S To Bridge Club -
Account Westpac Community Solutions One
Transaction date Dec 2023
Amount $80.00


Ian Morison 

 If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below

Competing Hands



The Club is going to be closed on 25 December 2023 but all other days we will be open as per usual including Boxing Day and New Year's day. 

Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth (for Elizabeth and Amik)