Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 6 April 2023

In this week’s newsletter...

  • President's Message
  • Welcome New Members
  • Promotions
  • Upcoming Sessions
  • Lighter Moments 


President's Message


Time is flying by this year and already the first term of the school year is completed, and Easter is with us. CBC will be still operating our regular sessions so if you are not travelling or busy with family  please enjoy the company of friends while playing bridge.  Looking forward we will also be open on ANZAC Day.  

CBC are looking to train more directors. You do not need to be a champion bridge player to work as a director. It is a paid position and requires a love of our game, some rules of bridge knowledge ( but there is a rule book at the desk, so you can always look them up), and a little knowledge of computer software. So, if you are looking to augment your monthly income, and would be interested, please contact either myself on 0412299093 or the managers at the bridge club.

Every year I put my body through some exercise and raise money for a charity. This year I have been in training to walk the length of the Larapinta Trail a distance of about 240 kilometres which runs from Mount Sonder to Alice Springs along the length of the Western McDonnell ranges in the Northern Territory. If you think this is a worthwhile endeavour the CBC Charity this year is the community radio station 1RPH on 1126AM which is run for sight-challenged people and would really benefit from any contribution you could make in support of my walk.

Tim Mather


Vale Rasma Bandle and Prem Saxena

Rasma Bandle (97) passed away on Monday 3 April 2023, surrounded by her loving family.

Rasma played with the Canberra Bridge Club for many years.

Details of Rasma's funeral are:

Tuesday 11 April 2023 at 10:30.

Norwood Park Crematorium.

Yacht Club for 12 noon for refreshments.


Prem Saxena sadly passed away last month and is mourned by her family and friends. 

Prem joined CBC over 20 years ago learning bridge with her son Atul Hajela and Terry Henderson.  


 Welcome New Members

Please make our new members feel welcome:

  • Petrina Balmain
  • Paul Bibo
  • Gwen Bush
  • Shawn Castle-Burns
  • Kerrie Finlayson
  • Anna Knight
  • Sharron McKay
  • Janet McSweeney
  • Liam Minogue
  • Anne Reed
  • Sue Rodda
  • Gabrielle Sheen
  • Colleen Smith
  • Ken Takizawa

 Welcome all!  



ABF have advised the following promotions as at 31 March 2023


  • Wendy Edwards                                          Graduate                                    NA
  • Kumari Flynn                                               Graduate                                    NA
  • Margaret Henderson                                   Graduate                                    NA
  • Sue Whigham                                              Graduate                                    NA
  • Judy Pejovic                                                Club                                           Graduate                    
  • Deb Wilson                                                  Club                                           Graduate
  • Joan Lipscombe                                          Local                                          Club
  • Kerry Flanagan                                        Bronze Local                                  Local
  • Kate Ward                                                Bronze Local                                  Local
  • Andrea Twell                                            Bronze Local                                  Local 
  • Laurelle Besgrove                                    Bronze Local                                  Local 
  • Lyn Widdup                                               National                                         State**
  • Robyn Stanhope                                       Bronze Life                                    Life

 Congratulations to all!  


Our weekly sessions are almost the same as last week.



 CBC Pay statements up to the end of March were dispatched yesterday by email. If you need help please email the office.  


Supervised Lessons

Supervised Lessons are on Wednesday nights or Friday mornings.  A 15 minute lesson commences at 7pm and 9.30am respectively followed by up to 20 boards.  Please just turn up if interested.  

The April lessons are as follows:

  • 5 April:  Signals   (no lesson 7 April: Good Friday)
  • 12/14 April:  Declarer play 1:  The ABC of Planning
  • 19/21 April:  Declarer play 2:   More on planning
  • 26/28 April:  Declarer play 3 – Taking a finesse

Master the Basics

Master the Basics virtual lessons are on Thursdays at 9.00am. Please email Barb Toohey if you want to be added to the Zoom class. It's $6 for members and $8 for non-members. The lessons run for 30 minutes.  

Next Thursday the session is on Bidding - Opening 1NT and Stayman.  


Upcoming Events 

Beginners Lessons - Coming soon

The next beginners lessons start on Wednesday 7pm on 2 August or 10am Friday 4 August. If you have family or friends that would like to learn, don't forget to mention it over Easter and get them to register online here. 

Sapphire Coast Annual Congress - 29 and 30 April

Swiss pairs on Saturday and Swiss teams on Sunday at the RSL Club on Main St in Merimbula.  Directed by Sebastian Yuen.


Illawarra Chris Diment Pairs and Teams - 17 and 18 June 2023

For more information visit or email Jill MacRae. Online entry 


Lighter Moments 

Giving a man his physical, the doctor noticed several dark, ugly bruises on his shins, so he asked, “Do you play hockey, soccer, or some physical sport?” “No,” he answered. “I play bridge with my wife.”

Person to partner:  If you were me how would you have played that last hand?

  • Partner: Under an assumed name.

Please consider donating recent good books to the book corner so we can share some good reads.  Have a relaxing Easter and if you're travelling be safe.  Healing vibes to Bricet...

Be kind in all things

Tamara (for Kerry and Tamara)