Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 21 April 2023

In this week’s newsletter...

  • President's Message
  • Mentoring in May 
  • Upcoming Sessions and Events
  • Results
  • Ian Morison: 
  • Grapevine Email Discontinuation
  • Lighter Moments 


President's Message


In May, our usual “Mentoring in May” programme is commencing under the management of Anne Fleming. If you are interested in nominating for either being mentored or acting as a mentor, please fill in the forms you will find on the bench to the right of the television screen in the BTR and place them in the Orange box provided. This programme matches experienced players with others who wish to learn more about our game. Novice players can learn to become better players and more experienced players can be mentored by competition level champions of which CBC are blessed to be well endowed. No matter what your level we have a mentor for you, so please be encouraged to join. It is commencing in just over 9 days so, to help Anne, please fill the forms out quickly.

With increasing numbers of tables playing in each session please help the Directors by being efficient in your play and not spending too much time between boards discussing the previous hand. Having a quiet session with your partner on completion of play helped me in my early days of partnerships and cements the understanding of the systems used.

Tim Mather

Yes the Club is open on ANZAC Day and think about playing Realbridge in Winter!

Tuesday 25 April, we will have our regular 1pm session happening.  If you are wanting to know how to play Realbridge we are offering first play free. Grab a partner and try out one of the six sessions on offer.   


A Word on Governance

The minutes from 7 February 2023 and 14 March 2023 are available on the web or on the Committee Noticeboard at the Club.  


Our weekly sessions are almost the same as last week.


Mentoring in May  

 As indicated by our President, please consider nominating for mentor and mentee and growing contacts at the Bridge Club!  Forms are available under the television in the Barry Turner Room.  Please fill out forms and submit in the orange box by the end of April.


Supervised Lessons

Supervised Lessons are on Wednesday nights or Friday mornings. A 15 minute lesson commences at 7pm and 9.30am respectively followed by up to 20 boards. Please just turn up if interested.  

The last April lessons are as follows:

  • 26/28 April:  Declarer play 3 - Taking a finesse

Master the Basics 

Master the Basics virtual lessons are on Thursdays at 9.00am. Please email Barb Toohey if you want to be added to the Zoom class. It's $6 for members and $8 for non-members. The lessons run for 30 minutes.  

Next Thursday the session is on Transfers - Invitational Hands.  


Upcoming Events 

Pizza Night

The next Wednesday night pizza will be on 26 April.  Wednesday night pizzas provide the opportunity for social interaction while enjoying a pizza sampling. It provides a great opportunity to talk to and socialise with your fellow players, which is not always the case when engaged in playing bridge. The pizzas will be available from 6:30pm, which provides ample time to enjoy your pizzas and wash your hands before supervised and walk-in play begins.

The cost of the pizzas is a nominal $5 payable on the day. This entitles you to half a pizza. A variety of toppings will be available and participants can pick and choose. Vegan pizzas can be made available for those who want them. No drinks are provided, so if you want liquid refreshment you will need to bring your own. 

Those wishing to partake should place their name on a list on the noticeboard or contact Jon Pike directly. There are 20 starters on the noticeboard already!


Beginners Lessons - Coming soon

The next beginners lessons start on Wednesday 7pm on 2 August or 10am Friday 4 August. If you have family or friends that would like to learn, get them to register online here. 

Sapphire Coast Annual Congress - 29 and 30 April

Swiss pairs on Saturday and Swiss teams on Sunday at the RSL Club on Main St in Merimbula. Directed by Sebastian Yuen.

A unique opportunity exists to participate in this congress!  Paul Schulz from Cooma called into the club today requesting a team member for this competition. If you would like to make up a team with Paul and the Brennans please give him a call  on 6452 6106.  


Illawarra Chris Diment Pairs and Teams - 17 and 18 June 2023

For more information visit or email Jill MacRae. Online entry 


Canberra in Bloom Congress - Friday 29September to Monday 2 October 2023

 Mixed Teams with PQPs, Pairs & Teams events for Novice, Restricted & Open.  See MyABF for more detail.  Enquiries This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Alan McArthur Teams

Congratulations to:

  1. David Wawn David Hoffman, Christy Geromboux, Sebastian Yuen, Steve Geddes and Stephen Fischer
  2. Niek Van Vucht, Bruce Crossman, Bernard Waters, Malcolm Carter


Seniors Teams - ANC Selection Trials

Congratulations to:

  1. Elizabeth Havas, George Kozakos
  2. Malcolm Carter, Bernard Waters
  3. Alexander Hewat, George Stockham


Ian Morison: A Better Line of Play

To read Ian's regular column please press here.  


 Winners, Losers and the Plan - Joan Butts

  • Declarer’s plan must include the ability to be flexible, and to change direction if and when necessary
  • No player (regardless of experience) knows how the cards will divide against them in the beginning of the hand
  • Plan A consists of checking winners and losers (in a suit) and winners in no trumps, and deciding which technique/s to use to develop extra tricks
  • BUT…plan A might need to turn into Plan B…or even Plan C
  • If you find that a suit breaks badly against you, and won’t produce the number of tricks you hoped it would, you’ll have to move to another plan
  • Warren Buffett (a keen bridge player), says that bridge is like the markets, in that you need to constantly calculate and recalculate as new information becomes available
  • You do this to evaluate the emerging shape of the opponents’ hands as you notice the way suits are breaking against you, and which opponent holds key honour cards.
  • The hard part is remembering all this, but practice makes perfect!


Grapevine Email Discontinuation

We are advised that members with, and email addresses - services will cease from 31 May 2023.  We woud appreciate early advice on an alternative address from members.  Many thanks to those who have already done so.  


Lighter Moments 

Only in the US?  A farmer stopped by the local mechanic's shop to have his truck fixed. They thought it might have something to do with the transmission, so they couldn't repair it while he waited. He told the mechanics he didn't live far and would just walk home.  

On the way home he stopped at the hardware store and bought a bucket and a gallon of paint. He then stopped at the feed store and picked up a couple of chickens and a gander.  However, struggling outside the store he now had a problem - how to carry his purchases home.  

While he was scratching his head he was approached by a little old lady who told him she was lost.  She asked "Can you tell me how to get to 1603 Mockingbird Lane?"The farmer replied "Well as a matter of fact, my farm is very close to that house.  I would walk you there but I can't carry this lot."

The old lady suggested "Why don't you do this? Put the can of paint in the bucket. Carry the bucket in one hand, put a chicken under each arm and carry the gander in your other hand. "

"Why, thank you very much, that works just fine!" he said, and proceeded to walk the old girl home.  

On the way he said "Let's take my usual short cut and go down this alley.  We'll be there in no time."

The little old lady looked him over cautiously then said, "I am a lonely widow without a husband to defend me..... How do I know that when we get in the alley you won't have your way with me?"

The farmer said with some irritation "Holy smokes, lady! I'm carrying a bucket, a gallon of paint, two chickens and a gander. How in the world would I do that?"

The old lady replied "Set the gander down, cover him with the bucket, put the can of paint on top of the bucket, and I'll hold the chickens."


Good luck to everyone playing in the Open Trials this weekend!

Be kind in all things


Tamara (for Kerry and Tamara) 
