Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 5 January 2024

In our newsletter this week...

  • President's Message
  • Advanced Bridge Series
  • Mentor Pairs
  • Bridge Calendar for 2024
  • Ian Morison
  • Helen Musa's article

President's Message 

The Committee of CBC wishes all members a very enjoyable new year at the Bridge table. Remember the rules:-

Trust your partner, don’t rescue your partner, be pleasant to the opposition, and don’t fall asleep.

For several months the Education Committee of CBC have been considering ways we can encourage newer players in their transition to Duplicate sessions.

I am very pleased today to announce three initiatives to support our newer players.

  1. As a club, we are very proud of what our beginner graduates and supervised graduates achieve.  This year, we will celebrate it.  Every month I will publicly acknowledge the success of our graduates who receive a score of 55% or better in a standard duplicate in the previous month.  To be considered, you will need to have achieved this result within 6 months of leaving the supervised program.
  2. I am launching a “bridge buddy” program.  This program is open to people who have been playing bridge for less than 2 years. It recognises that as a newer player you may find it helpful to sometimes seek bridge advice from more experienced bridge players.  You may have a bridge issue that is puzzling you; you might want help analysing your results; maybe you are learning a new convention and would like to discuss what it involves.  If you would like to access this program please contact Morag Lokan, our novice coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Morag will discuss your needs and find an experienced player to assist.
  3. We are scheduling a novice congress for April 7.  If you are interested in getting some “congress” experience mark this date in your calendar.

I now offer my congratulations to the following Feb 23 beginner graduates who during the month of December achieved one or more duplicate scores of 55% or better.

  • Zara Chowdhury  Wednesday 20th December 56.25%
  • Liam Minogue  Wednesday 20th December 56.25%
  • Trish Sandling  Friday 29th December  58.70%
  • Morag Cotsell Friday 1st December  62.06%
  • Bobbie Gosper  Friday 1st December 62.06%

Next week we have the Summer Festival of Bridge taking place at the Rex Hotel, Northbourne Avenue and we desperately need helpers to set it up at 3.00PM on Monday afternoon at the Rex. Please advise the Managers by email if you can help This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you all in anticipation.

Tim Mather

Advanced Bridge Series 

This is a new initiative this year. aimed specifically at players keen to develop their game beyond the club duplicate level.  At this level it is increasingly about bidding (and playing) hands to their maximum; or more colloquially “going as close to the edge as possible without falling over it”.  This applies to part scores, games and slams. Judging when and how to apply the pressure and conversely having the tools to deal with pressure opponents put you under is crucial.  Finding this balance – being active enough to find your contracts and give the opponents issues while not being punished - is the challenge.

How does this series work?

Each topic in the series will involve two workshops: the first workshop is a more traditional lesson; while the second workshop is a mentored play session. The lessons will be run by our own, well renowned teacher Will Jenner O'Shea. The play sessions let players practice the skills and discuss the issues with a number of the club's best players. You may attend just the lesson or the mentored play.

Who should go?

Any player interested in knowing more about competitive play and what it involves.

When is it?


  • Sunday January 28th, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, February 4th, 1:30 (play)    Interfering with their 1NT opening and handling interference over our 1NT Opening. Landy, doubles and Lebonsohl.


  • Sunday March 3rd, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, March 10th, 1:30 (play)    Slam bidding using keycard: Splinters to improve your slam bidding and judgement. Advanced declarer play techniques to help you make your slams.


  • Sunday April 14th, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, April 21st, 1:30 (play)    Competitive biddingpushing it to the edge. Improve your knowledge of scoring and sacrificing, when to penalty double, when to bid on.

Entry to the SET1 of the series is now open. 

Mentor Pairs for Advancing players  

On Tuesday evening 13 February, the club will conduct a Mentoring session for members who are interested in advancing their bridge towards competition level. Regular Tuesday night competition players will pair up with advancing members wishing to move to a more competitive environment. We are encouraging our regular competition players to invite other members who they know to play with them on the night.

We will also arrange partnerships for any other members who are interested. Please sign up and specify to be either mentors or mentees via the link below.

More details about the Mentor Pairs will be available after the Summer Festival of Bridge from 22 January.


Printable Calendar for 2024

The 2024 Club Calendar has now been released. You can find it by clicking on the link below or on our website. If you'd like an A3 hardcopy for your noticeboard at home, just ask the office.

Ian Morison

 If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below. 

Ian and Jenny are the proud new grandparents of Maddie, born on  27th December 2023. On behalf of the club, congratulations Ian. Hope mum and bub are both doing well.


Helen Musa's article

Bridge in Canberra has just received some free publicity in this week's City News. Click below for the link if you would like to read the article.

Happy 2024 everyone! May we all improve our bridge in the year ahead. 

Elizabeth (For Elizabeth and Amik)