Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 12 January 2024

in our newsletter this week...

  • President's Message
  • Skills Development Workshops with William Jenner-O'Shea
  • Advanced Bridge Series
  • Mentor Pairs
  • Results from SFOB
  • Ian Morison
  • F2F Saturday 13/01/24 bridge cancelled

President's Message 

In recent weeks there has been a little concern that CBC would not rally around and support the set up for SFOB at the Rex Hotel last Monday afternoon. I am delighted to report that 24 hard working members showed up and, within an hour, had two playing rooms and all boards loaded and ready to play first thing Tuesday morning.

Congratulations and our grateful thanks go to Ian Robinson and Jodi Tutty as gaffers and their team of workers Tamara Cutcliffe, John Donovan, Steven Geddes, Kerry and Martin Holmes, David and Kathleen Kenny, Patricia McDonald, Vic and Maria Meakins, Nicola Mearles, Hilary Merritt, Sue Samarcq, Andrew Struik, Bill Tutty, Nick Van Vucht, Susan Walters, David Wawn, Tony Webb, Phillipa Wickman, Brett and Jennifer Yeats.

This will be my last President’s message as the Committee has voted to have me removed from my position as they have lost faith in me, and my decision making. I will therefore no longer be involved in the administration of Canberra Bridge Club from today. However, I will continue to play bridge within the Club and continue in my position as teacher in the supervised classes. I take this opportunity to thank all the members who ,on a daily basis, have thanked me for my leadership of the Club over the past 16 months. I look forward to playing Bridge with you all.

Tim Mather


Skills Development Workshops with William Jenner-O'Shea

In addition to the Advanced Bridge Series (advertised below and in last week's newsletter) which are aimed at the more advanced players looking to improve their game beyond the club level duplicate,

the club will be running 3 workshops hosted by Will Jenner-O'Shea designed to help intermediate players take their game to the next level.  

These workshops will include a delicious morning tea, a light lunch, and a booklet of notes. 

  • Saturday February 3rd 10am to 3pm : Improve Your Judgement and Tweak Your System
  • Saturday March 23rd 10am to 3pm: Defence Techniques Card Placing and Counting Tricks
  • Saturday April 20th 10am to 3pm: Solid Suits, Strong Suits, Decisive Bidding

Click here to enter


Advanced Bridge Series 

This is a new initiative this year. aimed specifically at players keen to develop their game beyond the club duplicate level.  At this level it is increasingly about bidding (and playing) hands to their maximum; or more colloquially “going as close to the edge as possible without falling over it”.  This applies to part scores, games and slams. Judging when and how to apply the pressure and conversely having the tools to deal with pressure opponents put you under is crucial.  Finding this balance – being active enough to find your contracts and give the opponents issues while not being punished - is the challenge.

How does this series work?

Each topic in the series will involve two workshops: the first workshop is a more traditional lesson; while the second workshop is a mentored play session. The lessons will be run by our own, well renowned teacher Will Jenner O'Shea. The play sessions let players practice the skills and discuss the issues with a number of the club's best players. You may attend just the lesson or the mentored play.

Who should go?

Any player interested in knowing more about competitive play and what it involves.

When is it?


  • Sunday January 28th, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, February 4th, 1:30 (play)    Interfering with their 1NT opening and handling interference over our 1NT Opening. Landy, doubles and Lebonsohl.


  • Sunday March 3rd, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, March 10th, 1:30 (play)    Slam bidding using keycard: Splinters to improve your slam bidding and judgement. Advanced declarer play techniques to help you make your slams.


  • Sunday April 14th, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, April 21st, 1:30 (play)    Competitive biddingpushing it to the edge. Improve your knowledge of scoring and sacrificing, when to penalty double, when to bid on.

Click here to enter


Mentor Pairs for Advancing players  

On Tuesday evening 13 February, the club will conduct a Mentoring session for members who are interested in advancing their bridge towards competition level. Regular Tuesday night competition players will pair up with advancing members wishing to move to a more competitive environment. We are encouraging our regular competition players to invite other members who they know to play with them on the night.

We will also arrange partnerships for any other members who are interested. Please sign up and specify to be either mentors or mentees via the link below.

Click here to enter


Results from SFOB

The Summer Festival is well under way and many of our club members have done brilliantly. So far we have the winners below to congratulate but I am sure that by this time next week the list will have grown! 

  • 1st - National Women's Team: Jodi Tutty and her teammates came first in this event
  • 1st - Life and Non-life masters Team: Steve Geddes, Elizabeth Yoo, Robyn Carroll and Jenny Walpole 
  • 1st - Bridge Shop Novice Matchpoint Pairs: Nick Vonthethoff and Steve Kyburz
  • 2nd- Bridge Shop Novice Matchpoint Pairs: Bricet Kloren and Ian Vickers
  • Best under 50 MP - Bridge Shop Novice Matchpoint Pairs: Belinda Moss and Jenny Bell
  • Best under 20 MP - Bridge Shop Novice Matchpoint Pairs: Josh Schwartz and Maxwell Ashurst
  • 2nd - Chris Diamantes Swiss Pairs: Sue La Peyre and Bob Cox

A special congratulations also to all the people who have played in this congress for the first time. I know that some of you have told me that this was their first ever congress and regardless of the results, I hope you've enjoyed the experience.

Click here to read the latest SFOB Bulletin


Ian Morison

 If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below. 


Lighter Moments

Why is Friday a happy day? Because the next day is a sadder day. 


REMINDER: F2F bridge secheduled for this Saturday 13/01/2024 has been cancelled. RealBridge will run as per usual.


Have a great weekend everyone!

Elizabeth (For Elizabeth and Amik)