Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 2 February 2024

in our newsletter this week...

  • Message from the Committee
  • COVID Reminder
  • McClutcheon Award
  • January 2024 Promotions
  • Supporting our Newer Players
  • SKills Development Workshop with Will Jenner-O'Shea
  • Advanced Bridge Series
  • Margaret Bourke Pairs
  • BFACT Open Teams 
  • Ian Morison
  • No f2f bridge on Saturday 3 Feb


Message from the Committee:

Members may be aware that your committee has had a “lot on its plate” of late.  In addition to committee management issues the Committee has been busy on several fronts.

Access Canberra has advised that the Associations Incorporation Regulation 2023 is effective from 1 February 2024.  The Committee has reviewed how this new Model Rule impacts upon the CBC’s Constitution and By-Laws.  The Committee has set out a way forward and has commenced the process of updating the Constitution and reviewing the CBC’s associated governing documents.

In October 2023 members of the CBC were consulted regarding possible renovations and improvements to the clubhouse.  The Committee thanks members for their support and participation in the consultation process.

Over 120 suggestions were received, and preliminary analysis found that key areas of interest are:

  • Improvement in the club’s heating, cooling and air circulation.
  • Replacement of strip lights with LED-lights - provided it would increase the light intensity without increasing energy costs.
  • Change to the dark joinery in Barry Turner room with consideration of the use of bookshelves and Trophy cabinets.
  • Purchases - cups/mugs, soap dispensers, flyer display stand, umbrella tub and storage to reduce clutter.

The Committee is in the in the process of establishing building renovation and maintenance priorities in the context of required building (roof) maintenance, components of the strategic plan and other budget considerations.  The Committee will keep members informed about progress with consideration of the priorities for improving the building.

And, what a great way to end 2023 with the Christmas raffle raising $671.00, half of which goes to our Club Charity - Integra Service Dogs Australia.  Thanks everyone for your support!

Beginners’ classes have started this week with around 60+ attendees listed.  With so many “enthusiastic people” wanting to learn our “addictive” game, this meant another evening had to be added to accommodate the numbers! 

What a wonderful effort from our Beginners Co-Ordinator Morag Lokan, and our Beginners teacher Barb Toohey.  The sessions will be on Wednesday & Thursday evenings, and Friday mornings for the next six weeks.  Please welcome all the new faces when you see them around the Club.

Mary Tough

(on behalf of your Committee)


COVID Reminder

We are aware that there is a lot of COVID around at the moment. Please do not be at the clubrooms if you are unwell, whether with Covid symptoms or other symptoms. Our membership is older and includes more individuals with chronic health conditions than the general community. We want to keep everyone safe.


McCutcheon Award

Congratulations to Andrew and Josh!  Click here to see Photos

  • Andrew Spooner won the 2023 Gold Life McCutcheon award for the most masterpoints by a person starting 2023 at gold life rank. He won 275+ MPs.
  • Josh Tomlin won the 2023 National Master McCutcheon award. He won 228+ MPs. He also placed 3rd n the most improved (nationally) for 2023. 


January Promotions



  • Finn, Nicole
  • Ralphs, Lisa


  • Russell-French, Alison
  • Schwartz, Josh
  • Stuart-Harris, Barbara
  • Thearle, Susie


  • Banks, Susan
  • Reis, John

Bronze Local

  • Bergin, Jenny
  • Campbell, Murray
  • Francis, Jayne
  • Lalor, Mandy

Silver Local

  • Bradley, Lisa
  • Lee, John
  • Vickers, Ian


  • Fleming, Anne


  • Cush, Kate
  • Kloren, Bricet


  • Lang, Ruitian

Bronze National

  • Adcock, Jacqueline

Gold Life

  • Wakefield, Graham


Grand Slam Pairs

 The 2nd week of Grand Slam Pairs will continue next Tuesday!

If you play with the same partner over the three weeks - 30 January, 6 February and 13 February - you will be competing for the Grand Slam Pairs. Your cumulative scores over the three weeks will determine your final place. Red masterpoints will be on offer and the winner of the Grand Slam Pairs will be recognised. No pre-entry is required. The table money is the same.

If you are not interested in the event, you can still turn up on any of the Tuesdays and play on a walk-in basis with any partner as per usual.

The reason we are introducing new daytime events is to give all players the opportunity to earn red masterpoints. To be promoted to State Master or beyond, you need at least 25 red masterpoints, as well as your green masterpoints.

Over the next few months, multi-week events will be held across other daytime sessions to give all players the chance for masterpoint promotions.

The Grand Slam Pairs is named to recognise the contribution of Anne Weber to ACT Bridge and to welcome the influx of ex-Grand Slammers to the Canberra Bridge Club.


Supporting our Newer Players

Supervised program

The supervised program for the year restarts on Wednesday 31 January.   The lesson schedule is as follows:

  • 7/2 & 9/2: Reverses
  • 14/2 & 16/2: Declarer play - consider the order.
  • 21/2 &23/2: Declarer play – preserve your entries.
  • 28/2 & 1/3: Same bid – different message
  • 6/3 &8/3:  Transition to duplicates
  • 13/3 &15/3: Etiquette, duplicate play, Bridge mates and scoring. (Feb Beginner graduates commence this week)
  • 20/3 & 22/3:  Doubles and Overcalls
  • 27/3:  Opening leads simplified.  (no lesson on Good Friday)

The Bridge Buddy Program

If you have been playing for less than 2 years and would find it helpful to seek bridge advice from a more experienced player, we can assist. You may have a bridge issue that is puzzling you; you might want help analysing your results; maybe you are learning a new convention and would like to discuss what it involves.   If you are interested, please contact Morag Lokan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Morag will discuss your needs and find an experience player to assist.


Skills Development Workshops with William Jenner-O'Shea

In addition to the Advanced Bridge Series (advertised below) which are aimed at the more advanced players looking to improve their game beyond the club level duplicate,

the club will be running 3 workshops hosted by Will Jenner-O'Shea designed to help intermediate players take their game to the next level.  

These workshops will include a delicious morning tea, a light lunch, and a booklet of notes. 

  • Saturday February 3rd 10am to 3pm : Improve Your Judgement and Tweak Your System
  • Saturday March 23rd 10am to 3pm: Defence Techniques Card Placing and Counting Tricks
  • Saturday April 20th 10am to 3pm: Solid Suits, Strong Suits, Decisive Bidding

Click here to enter


Advanced Bridge Series

This is a new initiative this year, aimed specifically at players keen to develop their game beyond the club duplicate level. At this level it is increasingly about bidding (and playing) hands to their maximum; or more colloquially “going as close to the edge as possible without falling over it”. This applies to part scores, games and slams. Judging when and how to apply the pressure and conversely having the tools to deal with pressure opponents put you under is crucial.  Finding this balance – being active enough to find your contracts and give the opponents issues while not being punished - is the challenge.

How does this series work?

Each topic in the series will involve two workshops: the first workshop is a more traditional lesson; while the second workshop is a mentored play session. The lessons will be run by our own, well renowned teacher Will Jenner O'Shea. The play sessions let players practice the skills and discuss the issues with a number of the club's best players. You may attend just the lesson or the mentored play.

Who should go?

Any player interested in knowing more about competitive play and what it involves.

When is it?


  • Sunday, February 4th, 1:30 (play)    Interfering with their 1NT opening and handling interference over our 1NT Opening. Landy, doubles and Lebonsohl.


  • Sunday March 3rd, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, March 10th, 1:30 (play)    Slam bidding using keycard: Splinters to improve your slam bidding and judgement. Advanced declarer play techniques to help you make your slams.


  • Sunday April 14th, 1:30pm (lesson)
  • Sunday, April 21st, 1:30 (play)    Competitive biddingpushing it to the edge. Improve your knowledge of scoring and sacrificing, when to penalty double, when to bid on.

Click here to enter


Margaret Bourke Pairs

 This is a new competition, honouring one of the Club's most successful players, Margaret Bourke. It will run as a two-week Butler pairs, IMPS scoring on 27 February  and
5 March.

Registration is now open, click on the link below:


BFACT Open Teams 2024

A reminder that the BFACT Open Teams event for 2024 is on 12th to 26th March 2024.

Registration is now open, click on the link below:


Ian Morison

If you would like to read Ian's article please press the link below.


Due to Will Jenner's lesson happening on Saturday 3 February we will not be running the the F2F bridge at the club (1pm). The RealBridge will run as per normal.

Have a Great Weekend!

Elizabeth (For Elizabeth and Amik)