Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 23 February 2024


This week's newsletter is being sent to you using the MyABF email functionality, you will see that it has a different style to our usual Pianola newsletter. If you like our new style newsletter or notice any difference from the old one, please email the office with feedback. Thanks.


In our newsletter this week...

  • Invitation to RealBridge
  • MyABF registration
  • Youth Day
  • Pizza Night - 28 Feb
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea's Workshop
  • Advanced Bridge Series - 3rd March
  • Mystery Payment
  • Ian Morison
  • No f2f bridge on Saturday 24 Feb
  • Holding down the fort
  • Gold Coast Congress Update



Invitation to RealBridge


We would like to encourage our members who don't usually play RealBridge to try a walk-in game in RealBridge.

You don’t need to put your name down anywhere, if you have a couple of hours to spare just log in and wait in the lobby. The director will call you if someone is needed to fill in or to make up numbers at a half table; or if you happen to meet a like-minded person whilst hanging around then strike up an instant partnership!

Our RealBridge sessions run on:

  • Monday 2pm
  • Monday 7pm
  • Wednesday 10:15am
  • Thursday 2pm
  • Saturday 1:15pm

We all know that bridge partnerships take a lot of time and commitment but once in a while a casual game with no strings attached with someone you hardly know can be a lot of fun. If you come along but don't get to play a game, please come back another day.



Have you tried setting up your MyABF account?


If you were successful, that’s great and if you have been able to put some funds there, that’s perfect!

If you are not sure where to begin, take home a copy of the written instructions and try following the steps. The print outs are on the biscuit table. 

Next month the club will have information sessions and volunteers dedicated to answering MyABF queries. 

All the funds left in CBCpay account will be moved over to MyABF in due time. 



Youth Day


The next Youth day with Will Jenner-O’Shea will be held on Sunday, 3 March from 11:00am - 1:00pm at the Canberra Bridge Club.  If any members have children/grand-children/nieces/nephews who wish to learn to play bridge please let them know.  These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free.  And, if there are “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30, please let them know as they will also be very welcome, and it’s always a fun time! 

Immediately after the Youth finish on Sunday, the Club is running another advanced lesson on “Slam bidding using keycard and splinters” - from 1:30-4:00pm.  The more experienced Youth players are very welcome to stay on for that lesson and may do so for no charge.

Please contact Mary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions. 

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~



Pizza Night  - Wed 28 Feb


The next Wednesday night pizza will be on 28th February 2024. For those unfamiliar with the activity, the Wednesday night pizzas provide the opportunity for social interaction while enjoying a pizza sampling. It provides a great opportunity to talk to and socialise with your fellow players, which is not always the case when engaged in playing bridge. The pizzas will be available from 6:30, which provides ample time to enjoy your pizzas before supervised and walk-in play begins.

The cost of the pizzas is a nominal $5 payable on the day. This entitles you to half a pizza. A variety of toppings will be available and participants can pick and choose. Vegan pizzas can be made available for those who want them. No drinks are provided, so if you want liquid refreshment you will need to bring your own. 

Attendance is voluntary and those wishing to partake should place their name on a list on the noticeboard or contact Jon Pike directly. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mobile 0414 272 778. 



Will Jenner-O'Shea's Workshop 


The next workshop run by Will Jenner will be on Saturday March 23rd -10am to 3pm. The topic to be covered is "Defence Techniques Card Placing and Counting Tricks".

Morning tea, light lunch and notes are included in the cost of this workshop.

Register here



 Advanced Bridge Series 


The next Advanced Bridge Series is on Slam bidding using keycard and splinters. Who can confidently bid a splinter without blinking?  

If you and your partner lack the courage or faith to bid splinters, come along on 3rd of March. It will cover:

  • Using keycard and splinters to improve your slam bidding and judgement.
  • Advanced Declarer play techniques to help you make your slams.

Register Here



Mystery Payment


We are still looking for the person who put money in our account on 30 Jan in Tuggeranong!



Ian Morison



Saturday F2F Bridge Cancelled 24 Feb


Due to a shortage of Directors during the Gold Coast Congress we will not be running the F2F bridge at the club (1pm) on Saturday 24th. The RealBridge will run as per normal.



Holding down the Fort 


A special thanks to Bricet Kloren, John Spooner and Paul Nelson for doing an excellent job. Thanks also for providing support from near and far, Steve Geddes, John Donovan and Bruce Crossman.



Gold Coast Congress Update


If you are interested in looking up the latest news from Gold Coast click below to read their Bulletin - there's a great photo of Philippa and Grant Wickman who have come first on Thursday N/S Rookie Pairs!

Click here to see all the result from Gold Coast Congress. 



Have a great weekend everyone!
