Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter - 8 March 2024

In our newsletter this week...

  • Message from the Committee
  • myABF Progress Update
  • Supervised Session and Bridge Buddy
  • ACT Women's Selection Trial 
  • Novice Club Championship
  • Advanced Bridge Series - March 10
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea's Workshop - March 23
  • Ian Morison
  • Fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Research Foundation



Messages from the Committee


Construction at the Croatia Deakin Soccer Club

There will be construction at Croatia Deakin Soccer Club (7 Duff Place/3 Gross Street) near the Club in the coming period for the removal and rebuild of their entrance and the installation of a lift.

The Committee will request that patrons of the Soccer Club do not spill over into the private CBC car park, but instead park in the area behind the clubs in Hannah Place.

More information can be found at

Reference: 202342383


CBC Recorders

The Canberra Bridge Club is keen to ensure that its events are played in a spirit of sportsmanship, and that players have an enjoyable experience.  The CBC Club Recorders fulfil an important role in achieving this objective.  The CBC has four Club recorders - Sebastian Yuen, Rob Hurst, Janet Kahler & Rosemary Matley.  Recorders deal with incidents that are not really matters for the Director, e.g. discourtesy, abuse of partner or the opponents, bullying, unethical behavior -- indeed, any actions that makes one feel uncomfortable.  As a rule, a Recorder will receive an oral communication from a complainant at the end of a session.  If a Recorder is not present, the Director will give appropriate advice.  Please feel free to consult with a Recorder about any concerns that you might have.


Under 26 Women’s Team

Following up an the item in the February Newsletter re our two ACT Youth players Zara and Diya.  The Committee has had a number of requests from CBC members who wish to contribute privately to our Youth players fund.  The CBC is unable to process direct donations to Zara and Diya, however if you wish to make a private donation, please contact Zara Chowdhury for bank details - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



myABF Progress Update 


Thanks to everyone who signed up to myABF in the past few days. We are nearly upt to 75% registered for myABF. 

Thanks also to our volunteers who answered the phone and stayed behind after the club duplicate sessions to help our members.  Next week we will continue to have volunteers available so please bring your devices and credit/debit card to sort out your registrations.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that you've been asking, answered: 

1. What credit charge surcharge do we charge?

- No surcharge is charged to members. The ABF charges CBC a 2% administrative fee.

2. Is there a surcharge for debit cards?

- There is no difference whether using a credit or debit card.

3. Is there an option to pay by BPAY or direct deposit?

- Neither are possible

4. How secure are my credit card details?

- Your credit card details are stored by Stripe which is a multinational financial services company with top level encryption. The ABF does not store your card details.

5. I have money in MyABF account, can I use it to pay for CBC bridge sessions now?

- No this won’t be possible until CBC changes over to MyABF when all our members have set up accounts. 


New Beginner Graduates


Beginners lessons are finishing today and we will be seeing lots of new faces around the club coming along to our supervised sessions.

Please make them feel welcome!

The committee thanks Barb and Morag for all their hard work. 




The Bridge Buddy Program

If you have been playing for less than 2 years and would find it helpful to seek bridge advice from a more experienced player, we can assist. You may have a bridge issue that is puzzling you; you might want help analysing your results; maybe you are learning a new convention and would like to discuss what it involves. If you are interested, please contact Morag Lokan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Morag will discuss your needs and find an experience player to assist.



ACT Women's Selection Trials 

This event selects 3 womens pairs to represent the ACT at the Interstate competition, the Australian National Congress (ANC). This year the ANC is being held in Orange, and the interstate component runs from July 7th to 11th.

As these teams are representing CBC, BFACT (the ACT state body) will pay the team entry. In addition the teams usually receive a small subsidy. 

click here to enter



Novice Club Championship


This matchpoint pairs event crowns the club Rookie and Novice champions. Players must have less than 100 masterpoints to enter and to win either title you need to be a CBC member. Red masterpoints will be awarded.

  • Date: 7 April 2024. This 2 session event starts at 10am. There will be a lunch break of about 1 hour. 
  • Players must have less than 100 masterpoints
  • Cost: $24 members, $20 concession, and $30 non members.

Please bring your own lunch as the cafes at Deakin shops are shut at Sunday lunchtime. At the end of play there will be drinks and nibbles with the winner presentations.

Enter here
If you need a partner, please let us know and we will try to assist. 





 Advanced Bridge Series - 10 March 1:30pm


Last week's Advanced Bridge Series was well attended and very informative. The mentored play session which is the 2nd part of last week's series will be held on this Sunday the 10th. 

Even if you didn't attend last week's course, you can still come for Sunday's mentored play session.

You can also come without a partner. 

Register Here



Will Jenner-O'Shea's Workshop - 23 March 10:00am

The next workshop run by Will Jenner will be on Saturday March 23rd -10am to 3pm.

The topic to be covered is "Defence Techniques Card Placing and Counting Tricks".

Morning tea, light lunch and notes are included in the cost of this workshop.

Register here



Invitation to RealBridge 

As stated in previous newsletters, please support our RealBridge by logging in and hanging around in the "lobby" when you have spare time.

Our RealBridge sessions run on:

  • Monday 2pm
  • Monday 7pm
  • Thursday 2pm
  • Saturday 1:15pm




Ian Morison


Fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Research Foundation


Jean-Luc Foulon a member of our bridge club is going to be participating in a fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Research Foundation by shaving his head!

Please donate to this worthy cause and find out more about it by scanning  QR code in the posters which have been pinned up on our noticeboards.

  • Who: Shannon Kellett & Jean-Luc Foulon
  • What: Head Shaving
  • Where: Wee Jasper Distillery
  • When: 16 March 2pm
  • Why: to raise money and awareness for Alzheimer's Research Foundation


Happy Canberra Day everyone! Remember that the Club will open as per usual.
