Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 12 April 2024

In our newsletter this week...

  • President's Message
  • Youth Day
  • Free online Course for Young Bridge Players
  • Tip of the Week
  • Upcoming Events
  • Charity Fund Raiser Events Update
  • Ian Morison
President's Message


Last weekend the Club rooms were full of aspiring bridge players fighting it out to become the next CBC Club Champions in both the Novices and Rookies, and the Senior’s trialing for the ACT Team. 

On Sunday 15 pairs played in the Novice, and 12 pairs in the Rookies - a total of 54 players. 

The BFACT Seniors Trials were also held over the weekend with 24 players competing for the glory of representing the ACT at the Australian National Championship.  The top three pairs form the ACT Seniors Team which heads to Orange in July. 

I would like to congratulate everyone who played, and a special congratulations goes to Richard McIntyre & Juliana Wu-Sun who were playing in the Rookies - their very first Event, ever!! 

The Final Winners were:


Novice Champions

1st - Diya Shah & Dev Shah

2nd - Kate Ward & Kerry Flannagan

3rd - Zara Chowdhury & Liam Minogue


Rookie Champions

1st - Josh Schwartz & Max Ashurst

2nd - Denyse Freedman & Robin Edwards

3rd - Chris Wawn & Sue Taylor


BFACT ACT Seniors Team for 2024

1st - Peter Grant & David Hoffman

2nd - Malcolm Carter & Bernard Waters

3rd - Adrienne Stephens & Peter Kahler


There are also quite a few people who work behind the scenes to make these Events successful! 

Our thanks go to:

  • Jodi Tutty for all her work encouraging the Novice and Rookies to sign up for the Event!
  • Sebastian Yuen for spending his weekend directing both Events.
  • Christy Geromboux for helping Sebastian with everything, and ensuring the room was ready for Monday morning bridge (it was great to see you back.)
  • Barbara Bialowas for providing a fabulous feast at the end of the event.
  • Niek Van Vucht, Chris Tough for serving the beverages (very responsibly) and helping with the cleanup.
  • And the Managers for helping with the entries.


Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anyone!

Good luck to everyone heading to Merimbula this coming weekend for the Sapphire Coast Congress.  Have fun, and safe travels.

Mary Tough


Youth Day - Sunday, 14 March 2024

The next Youth day with Will Jenner-O’Shea is coming up very fast, in fact it is on this Sunday, 14 April from 11:00am - 1:00pm at the Canberra Bridge Club. 

These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free.  And, if there are “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30, please let them know as they will also be very welcome, and it’s always a fun time!  Also, if any members have children/grand-children/nieces/nephews who wish to learn to play bridge please let them know.

Immediately after the Youth finish on Sunday, the Club will be running another advanced lesson on “Competitive Bidding - Pushing It To The Edge” from 1:30-4:00pm, and the more experienced Youth players who wish to stay on for that lesson may do so for no charge.

Please contact Mary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions. 

Sunday:            14 April 2024

Venue:             Canberra Bridge Club, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin.

Time:               11:00am-1:00pm

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~




Young Bridge Players Online Course


In May this year, with the support of the ABF, Nevena Djurovic and Paul Marston will present a FREE online course of lessons for kids aged 14 to 24. We will teach them all the important basics of this amazing game.

Please do us the favour of recruiting any kids you know who may be interested.

There are many good reasons why kids should learn bridge.

  • Since many of the cards are hidden, bridge is a strategic game. This calls on kids to use critical thinking skills such as reasoning and logic.
  • Since bridge is a partnership game, it teaches kids about teamwork and co-operation.
  • Since you always have a partner when you play bridge, it is a great way to meet people and make friends.
  • We all do a lot of winning and losing when we play bridge. It therefore teaches kids about sportsmanship.

** Please note: this course is a one-off opportunity – it will not be repeated!

The lessons will be on Wednesday 1, 8, 15 and 22 May at 7 pm AEST, with practice sessions on Sunday 5, 12, 19 and 26 May at 11 am AEST. Each session will be a bit under an hour.

Click here for more information :






We all know that the Director controls the game.  But some of us are uncertain whether he does so as a friend or as an authoritarian.  Actually, it’s a bit of both.  Good directors (and the CBC has many) are good friends who display their authority by carrying the Law Book when they come to the table to give a ruling.

So, when you need a ruling, politely call ‘Director, please’ and hold up your hand until he has located your whereabouts.  When the director arrives, he will speak to the players as friends and as informally as feasible.  If he knows everyone at the table, it is just fine to call them all by name.  But if not, it is discreet to refer to them as West, North, East and South.

Postscript 1.  Long ago, I was playing at the Gold Coast Congress.  One of our opponents was a young woman (let’s call her Denise) whose husband was Chief Tournament Director.  We needed a ruling, so Denise summoned the director by calling ‘Darling’.

Postscript 2.  Use of the male pronoun is not intended as sexist; it is more convenient (and less discordant) than “he/she” or “himself/herself” and the like.

-John Brockwell

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Refresher Course - 10:45 am April 16 and 1:45pm April 17 


This program is for both less experienced, and also for long term social players who want to update their skills and increase their enjoyment of the game. It will consist of a short 15 minute lesson followed by 4 hands of practice play and review. Teachers will be Barb Toohey and Steve Geddes. No need for registration, just walk in. Cost $10.

Week 2 - Coping with opposition bidding: 

  •  Lesson 3 -  Negative doubles    
  •  Lesson 4 - Cue raises      




Advanced Bridge Series - 1:30pm Sunday April 14 


Competitive bidding - Pushing it to the edge  

  • Improve your knowledge of scoring and sacrificing  
  • When to Penalty Double, when to bid on  

Registrations for this event have been put on myABF. Please click on the link below and pay for your entry prior to attending.

If you are not on myABF you can still come and pay cash on the day.




William Jenner-O'Shea Workshop - 10am to 3pm Saturday April 20


Solid Suits, Strong Suits, Decisive Bidding

♥ Opening and Overcalling at the Four- and Five-Level

♥ Opening 2♣ and Further Bidding

♥ Hand Evaluation Beyond HCP & Length

♥ Handling Competitive Bidding

♥ The ‘Gambling 3NT’




Other Upcoming Events


  • Autumn Butler Pairs is our next Tuesday night competition running on 23 and 30 April (Swiss Butler Pairs, IMPs scoring) - Click here to Enter .
  • The Open Stage 2 event will be held on Saturday 20 April.  From this event, the top 3 contending pairs qualify to the Open team selection final on the following weekend 26-28 April -  Click here to Enter .




Easter Raffle 2024

Thanks to all our member who have supported our Easter Raffle Fund Raiser event the club has made a profit of $282. 32.

This money will be split between the club and our nominated Charity: Integra Service Dogs Australia.


Alzheimer's Research Foundation

Sincere gratitude to all the supporters of the fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Big Shave event. We went 26% over what we thought was an ambitious target!

Jean-Luc Foulon




Ian Morison




Have a great weekend Everyone!
