Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 31 May 2024


In our newsletter this week..

  • Results from Wagga Congress
  • Colourful World
  • Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea  
  • RealBridge Promotion
  • Tip of the Week
  • Refresher Course
  • Youth Day 2nd June
  • Will Jenner-O'Shea Workshops
  • Upcoming Events
  • Ian Morison
  • Name Tag Order
  • Lighter Moments


Results from Wagga congress

Congratulations to all our members below:


Walk in Pairs - Friday 24 May 2024:

1st - N/S - Will Jennifer O'Shea & Vanessa Brown.

2nd - N/S - Adrienne Stephens  & Peter Kahler.


Swiss Pairs - Saturday 25 May 2024:


2nd - Will Jennifer O'Shea & Vanessa Brown.


1st - David Kenny & Kathleen Kenny.


1st - Zara Chowdhury & Liam Minogue.


Swiss Teams - Sunday 25 May 2024:


1st - Stephen Mendick & Tony Marinos (in a team with others).

2nd - Bev Crossman & Bruce Crossman (in a team with others).


2nd - David Kenny & Kathleen Kenny, Belinda Moss & Jenny Bell.



New Sponsor - Colourful World

Canberra Bridge Club welcomes the sponsorship of  Colourful World.

Please give Frank a call if your house needs repainting, no job is too big or too small.

Frank Maricic 0404 589 005 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea  

 The Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea is an annual event that brings communities together over a cuppa to raise funds for cancer research, promotion and support services.
Canberra Bridge Club is hosting a morning tea on Tuesday, 18 June from 11 am. Come along, bring a plate if you like baking and want to share your treats, and stay to play.
If you are not staying to play, come for a chat, a cuppa, delicious baked treats and to assist in raising some funds to help make a difference for those affected by cancer.




RealBridge Promotion - Bring a Buddy 


OMG – it’s about to get cold!

Yes! Wintie is coming fast and staying at home in a warm house is sometimes very appealing. But what about my bridge game, I hear you say.

Not to worry - the club has four sessions of RealBridge available each week on Monday evening at 7.00pm and Monday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. And the Tuesday competition night moves to RealBridge from the end of June until the end of August.

To encourage our reluctant and slightly scared members to give the RealBridge platform a whirl, we are offering a reduced rate of $6 per session for any member  willing to give it a go. What’s more, their partner also pays $6 regardless of their RealBridge playing situation. The offer is also valid for members introducing non-members as guests to RealBridge. RealBridge newbies without a partner  can also log on to Realbridge session 15 minutes before start and we will organise a partner for you. This promotion will apply throughout the month of June and is available for up to three sessions in June per member or guest.

- Ian Robinson


Need help getting your computer RealBridge ready? How about giving our RealBridge promotions guru Tamara Cutcliffe a ring on 0419 289 120

More info is available on the CBC website in the RealBridge Section






Thank your Director

In the Tip of the Week of 12 April, I said that a Tournament Director is both friend and authoritarian. That’s quite true but there’s more.
Directors are people who are devoted to the game. Their job is always difficult and often hectic. When a session of bridge runs with silky smoothness, the Director can take much of the credit.
So, at the end of a pleasant session, it is a nice thing for a player to say “thank you”. All Directors enjoy interaction with their players and, of course, they appreciate compliments.

-John Brockwell

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Refresher Course

Session 3 for the Refresher Course by Barb Toohey and Steve Geddes is in early June.
Barb will be focusing on Declarer Play and Planning and the lesson topics are:

  • Tuesday June 4th - Counting winners and losers
  • Wednesday June 5th - Using promotion and length to establish winners
  • Tuesday June 11th - Using Dummies trumps and extra winners
  • Wednesday June 12th - Entries and the order of play

Lesson times are Tuesday 10:45am -12:00 and Wednesdays: 1:45 pm - 3:00

Cost is $10 a lesson and we hope to see you there.




Youth Day


Will Jenner-O’Shea is holding another Youth Day on Sunday, 2 June from 11:00am - 1:00pm at the Canberra Bridge Club.  These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free.  And if you know of any “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30 please let them know, they will also be very welcome! 

Please contact Mary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions. 

Sunday:            2 June 2024

Venue:             Canberra Bridge Club, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin.

Time:               11:00am-1:00pm

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~




Will Jenner-O'Shea Workshops


There is still time to register and attend Will's workshop tomorrow 2nd June!

  • Improve Your No-Trump Conventions -  Half Day Sunday June 2nd   1:30pm – 4pm

  • Common Bidding Errors, and How To Avoid Them - Saturday June 29th   10am – 3pm

  • Competitive Bidding - Sunday August 11th   10am – 3pm

For more information and to register click here.




Upcoming Events


Travel Associate Pairs  
  • The club will host a three session red point event. 
  • When: Thursdays 13, 20 and 27 June -10am
  • Winner will be with the pair with the highest percentage who have played in all 3 sessions
  • Even if you don't play all three sessions red points will be awarded and then additional points will also be given for the top third of the overall field
  • No need to book, usual table fees apply 


Online President's Teams 
  • When: 23, 30 July, 6 August - 7:15pm
  • Cost: $12 all comers
  • Visitors from other clubs welcome - invite your interstate / coastal friends
  • Format: RealBridge
  • Teams of 4/5/6 players
  • Click here to Enter




Ian Morison



Name Tags

Our new batch of name tag orders will be sent next week. If you haven't ordered one, you still have time to do so.

The cost is $20 and will be deducted from myABF. Please email the office.



Lighter Moments

A push poller calls a voter that really, really HATES the candidate. The voter goes off into a rant ending with "And if your guy gets elected I don't know whether I will kill myself, or leave the country!" 

The poller says: "OK, I will put you down as 'undecided'."


Have a great weekend everyone!
