Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 26 July 2024

In our newsletter this week..

  • Message from the President
  • Teams of Three
  • Advanced Bridge Series
  • Southern Cross Club Community Rewards
  • Tip of the Week
  • Wednesday Night Pizzas
  • Refresher Course
  • Upcoming Events
  • Results
  • Lighter Moments


Message from the President



It has come to our attention there are some members of our Club who are not aware we have an Automated External Defibrillator(AED) in our premises. Our AED is situated on the wall on the right hand side of the sliding doors when entering the Barry Turner room.

A little history on how the Club gained the machine goes way back to November 2015. The Vice President at the time (Rick Nehmy) provided a submission on behalf of the Club to St John’s Ambulance Service to obtain one of five that were being placed within Canberra community based organisations for free. It was a truly great outcome for our club and we are still indebted to Rick for his commitment to our member’s welfare, and also very good news for us as we have never had to use the machine!!
I just want to remind members (and fingers crossed it never happens) that if a member or one of our staff has to use the machine, St John’s has assured me that the process is very easy. The defibrillation process of restoring the heart’s normal rhythm is crucial in the first minutes following a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) to maximise the chance of a casualty’s survival. Modern AEDs analyse the person’s heart rhythm and determine whether defibrillation is required. Early access to defibrillation can be a life saving measure and to have the absolute best chance of survival, defibrillation must be carried out in the first few minutes after a person suffers a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

In an emergency anyone in the club - members, directors or staff can take the lead.  Please see the links below for more information, and if there are any queries direct them to me in the first instance. 

Please remember, the very first step is to ALWAYS call 000 who will assist with instructions on use if required. 



Sewerage blockage at the Club:

Some members may be aware there was a serious sewerage blockage at the Club recently.  We are currently working on getting quotes to fix the pipes which are damaged by tree roots.  As part of this process it was also pointed out to me that we did not have any Sanitary Disposal Units in the ladies toilets.  The club has now rectified this and three units have been installed, two in the ladies toilets and one will be put in the disabled toilet.  To keep our sewerage lines free of blockages we ask that you place anything that should not be flushed down the toilets, into these units.


Side Tables:

We have purchased new side tables and they have been placed around every playing table in the Barry Turner room (four at every table)!  These tables are the same as the original ones that have a shelf and a solid back.  They are nice and compact with no trip hazards.  These side tables are more expensive than others which have been tried over the years, and the Committee requests that members please remember they are side tables, not chairs, and therefore should not be sat on.  We thank you for respecting this request.


- Mary 



Teams of Three - Sunday 4 August 12:30 to 5:00pm

Cast off the woes of winter and frolic at the Bridge table, and support CBC's charity Integra Service Dogs Australia.

  • YOU               -- Gather 3 players of a similar standard, come and have fun, get tips on play.
  • CLUB             -- Provides an experienced player as Captain to help and advise you
                               Scrumptious food and drinks at the end of play.
  • THE PLAY      -- Each team member plays 8 or 9 boards with the Captain, who will give tips on play.
  •                            This event is limited to players who individually have fewer than 300 Masterpoints
                               The organisers will split the field into categories of new and not-so-new players.
  • AFTER PLAY -- Scrumptious food and fun prizes.
  • COST             -- $20 - Payment by myABF.

Click here to register


Advanced Bridge Series - Mentored Session

Advanced Bridge Series is continuing with the mentored play session running this Sunday afternoon. Remember, even if you've missed the lesson you can still benefit from the mentored play session.

  • Mentored Play 28 July 1:30pm  Cost:$18 

- Click here to register ( partnership can be arranged on the day)



Southern Cross Club Community Rewards Program


By nominating Canberra Bridge Club 7.5% of your spend on food and beverages at the Southern Cross Club will be donated to us.

Last financial year CBC received approx. $3100 from this program and we have been accepted as a member again for 2024 to 2025. It is a wonderful source of funds to help us cover our costs.

If you are a member of CSCC and haven’t nominated CBC as your preferred community group, you can do it online here.

Alternatively let the reception team know that you are nominating CBC next time you are at the Southern Cross Club. 





Bridge is a game for old people. This is a catch-cry of present-day calamity howlers. So what! What rubbish!! What utter rot!!!
One of the very great strengths of the game is that it can be played for a lifetime, with enjoyment and satisfaction, by adolescents, centurions and everyone in between.
Let's hear what Somerset Maugham, in his old-fashiond way nearly 100 years ago, had to say about the game.
I would have children taught it as a matter of course, just as they are taught dancing; in the end it will be more useful to them, for you cannot with seemliness continue to dance when you are bald and pot-bellied; nor, for that matter, can you with satisfaction to yourself or pleasure to your partner continue to play tennis or golf when you are well past middle age. But you can play bridge so long as you can sit up at a table and tell one card from another. In fact, when all else fails -- sport, love, ambition -- bridge remains a solace and an entertainment.

- John Brockwell

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Wednesday Night Pizzas


The next Wednesday night pizza will be on 31st July 2024. For those unfamiliar with the activity, the Wednesday night pizzas provide the opportunity for social interaction while enjoying a pizza sampling. It provides a great opportunity to talk to and socialise with your fellow players, which is not always the case when engaged in playing bridge. The pizzas will be available from 6:30, which provides ample time to enjoy your pizzas before supervised and walk-in play begins.

The cost of the pizzas is a nominal $5 payable on the day. This entitles you to half a pizza. A variety of toppings will be available and participants can pick and choose. Vegan pizzas can be made available for those who want them. No drinks are provided, so if you want liquid refreshment you will need to bring your own. 

Attendance is voluntary and those wishing to partake should place their name on a list on the noticeboard or contact Jon Pike directly. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mobile 0414 272 778. 



Refresher Course

The 4th Session of the Refresher Course this year concentrates on Defence. 

Week 1  - Opening Leads  

  • August 6.  Lesson 1 -  What card to lead 
  • August 7. Lesson 2 - What suit to lead  

Week 2 - Reading the play    

  • August 13. Lesson 3 - Signals  
  • August 14. Lesson 4 - Active versus Passive Defence

Remember, the Tuesday lessons are on at 10:45-12:00 and Wednesdays at 1:45 -3:00pm. The cost is $10 and anyone can just turn up on the day.



Upcoming Events


Gala Gold Pairs

The Bridge Federation of the ACT is holding a Gala ‘Gold’ Pairs Day at CBC club rooms. 
The objective of the day is to provide a one-day butler pairs event where players of BFACT affiliated clubs of all levels will be welcomed and will be competitive.
The event will have Open, Restricted and Novice categories. Please enter through myABF via the link below.


Australia Wide Open Pairs

The Australia-Wide Open Pairs has a rich history that goes back more than 40 years, bringing together thousands of players from all around the country.
Each player will receive a souvenir booklet on the day, describing our recommendations for how the bidding and play should have gone. After the results are in, there will also be a second personalised booklet available on our web page, looking at every board to see how your bidding and play compares against our recommended results.

  • Date: Wednesday 28 August 7:15pm
  • Entry fee: $15 Concession : $13 Youth : $7.50
  • This is a walk in event which will run in place of our usual Wednesday evening Duplicate. (Supervised session will be on as per normal)
  • Click here for more information


Interim Results from Intro to Teams Event

Last Friday, the Club ran the first session of our Introduction to Teams event, which will conclude tonight.

Fourteen teams entered, many of who had very little experience with the teams format and the night went very well. We played three seven board matches, with another three matches scheduled for this evening.

Currently sitting at the top of the table are the:

  • Phillips team (Judith Phillips, Laurelle Besgrove, Jan Borny, Keith Besgrove) and the
  • Walpole team (Jenny Walpole, Robyn Carroll, Julie McPhail and Anne Fleming).

However, the field is very tight with the top six teams all within ten Victory Points of one another.

If you were unable to make this event but may be interested in learning more about teams bridge, there will be a second Introduction to Teams event coming up in September. It will run on two consecutive Sundays –the 22nd and 29th of September.

As well as providing an introduction to the teams format for those who have never played before, it would also be useful practise in the runup to Canberra in Bloom, which is running in early October and which features many teams or Butler Pairs events for Novice, Restricted or Rookie Pairs.
Any queries about the event can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or ask Steve Geddes if you see him around the club.


Lighter Moments

  • It’s very rare that a defibrillator fails. But when it happens no one is shocked. 



For the record, our defibrillator is up to date and fully functional.

Thanks everyone.
