Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 30 August 2024

In our newsletter this week..

  • Internet and Email Safety
  • Saturday F2F Bridge
  • New Members
  • John Brockwell's Column
  • Canberra in Bloom 
  • Upcoming Events
  • Ian Morison
  • Lost Properties 
  • Lighter Moments



Internet and Email Safety

Recently a number of our member have had their email accounts hacked.  As a result a lot of us, including the office, have received emails with " Can I ask you for a favour?" type messages.

These are scammers trying to trick you into buying them gift cards, etc. It is best not to engage with them, if you are unsure and you know the person, give them a phone call.

As a general rule always ignore emails that asks for your help but also tells you that they cannot be reached through the phone. They might say that they have lost their phone, or have some sort of medically related voice issue. 

Most of the people who are hacked decide to change their email addresses, so confirm with them if you need their new contact details.

For further instructions on how to stay safe online, refer to the link below.



Saturday F2F Bridge

Exciting news everyone, Saturday F2F Bridge is coming back to Canberra Bridge Club at 1pm tomorrow, the 31st August. 

At this stage it is scheduled to continue until the 30 November so if you are keen to play on Saturdays here at the club please come along to support the session.

A reminder that Saturday RealBridge will also run as per normal at 1:15pm.



New Members

Canberra Bridge Club welcomes the following new and returning members to our club:

  • Joy Holdich


John Brockwell's Column 

A cute anecdote

Last week’s tribute to George Riszko reminded me of an anecdote. 

Some years ago, George and his team-mates were doing well in the qualifying rounds of the NOT and were drawn to play a strong team from New Zealand.  Having sat down at the table and greeted the opponents, George said “Our system is Symmetric Relay; you may be familiar with it ─ it was invented by New Zealander Roy Kerr.”  “Thank you” responded an opponent, I am familiar with it.  I am Roy Kerr”

- John Brockwell

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Canberra in Bloom - Early Bird Prices Close Tomorrow

Canberra in Bloom is being held on 4-7 October with events catering for all levels. It is being played at Canberra Bridge Club, with morning and afternoon tea provided and prizes to win.

Early bird prices close on 31 August so enter now at

For further information, contact Roger Brake at or 0466009426


Canberra in Bloom - Help Needed 


House reserves

Are you able to reserve for any of the events at Canberra in Bloom? We are looking for players at all levels to fill in if needed. If you are called on at short notice, you will play for free! If you can help out as a reserve please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include "Reserve" in the subject line.



We also need volunteers to assist with a range of tasks during the Congress (eg, with setting up for the day, assisting with morning and afternoon teas). Some of these tasks can be done by people who are playing the events (eg work needed to be done following completion of play). If you can help out, even for just an hour or two, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include "Volunteer" in the subject line and include in the email when you would be able to help out. The tasks are not difficult and many hands make light work!



CBC Sessions cancellation due to CIB

  • Please note that our usual Friday (4 October) morning and afternoon, Saturday (5 October) and Monday (7 October) Duplicates will not be running due to Canberra in Bloom.
  • The Supervised session on Friday morning will still run in the Oliver Lott Room.
  • RealBridge will be decided at a later stage.



Upcoming Events


Refresher Course 

The 5th Session of the Refresher Course this year concentrates on Transfers.

Week 1 September 3 and September 4 - Transfer bids 

  • Lesson 1 Transfer bids after 1NT 
  • Lesson 2 Invitational hands 

Week 2 September 10 and September 11 - More about transfers

  • Lesson 3 Showing a second suit 
  • Lesson 4 Super accepts 

Remember, the Tuesday lessons are on at 10:45-12:00 and Wednesdays at 1:45 -3:00pm. The cost is $10 and anyone can just turn up on the day.



Youth Day

The next Youth day with Will Jenner-O’Shea will be held on Sunday, 8 September from 11:00am - 1:00pm at the Canberra Bridge Club. These sessions are available to anyone under 30 for free. And, if there are “Youth” who are not too far on the other side of 30, please let them know as they will also be very welcome, it’s always a fun time!

Please contact Mary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Will This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

  • Sunday: 8 September 2024
  • Venue: Canberra Bridge Club, 5-7 Duff Place, Deakin.
  • Time: 11:00am-1:00pm

~Youth Bridge is Bridge’s future~



Advanced Bridge Series

The next Advanced Bridge Series with Will Jenner-O'Shea concentrates on Signals In Defence:

♥ Attitude Signals on Our Leads to Know What to Do Next

♥ Count Signals, and How To Use Them

♥ Suit Preference Signals. What They Are? When They Apply?

 Don't forget there will be a play session the following week to practice what you've learnt. You can also register for the mentored play session through the link below:



Alan Macarthur Teams

Our next Tuesday night event is a 3 Weeks Team Event. Please note that the Final - 1vs2 will be held on WED 2nd Oct 7:15pm



Introduction to Teams

The two weeks will introduce the idea of teams and how the scoring differs from regular pairs play. There will be a few handouts and a brief talk by an experienced teams player on the different strategies and how bidding and play changes when playing teams. It will also be an ideal practice in the run up to Canberra In Bloom, for those entering the various novice, rookie or restricted events being offered there.

  • Sunday 22nd and 29th September from 1-00pm until 4-30pm
  • Entry fee is $24 for members. This event will need to be pre-registered but payment will be charged on the day by the director.
  • Click here to register

if you have any questions or require clarification, please feel free to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to speak to Steve Geddes at the club.



Ian Morison


Lost Properties

A table with all the lost properties has been set  up near the upstairs kitchen. There's an assortment of jackets, water bottles, reading glasses, etc

Take a look to see if you can find anything that belongs to you.



Lighter Moments

This week in Directing - an occasional contribution by Bricet Kloren

This week  I was called to a table for a ruling on a very unusual situation.  

I was greeted by four very sheepish looking bridge players who told me that when they were three quarters through playing the hand, they suddenly realised that they'd played that far without placing dummy on the table. None of the four players had noticed the irregularity until well into the game! 

This created quite a problem for me as Director on the spot because none of the Laws of Bridge appeared to cover the situation! The players by this time thought the situation was all quite hilarious and I took the opportunity while they were laughing to do some fast and furious thinking!

The situation was happily resolved this time, but it might be worth ticking off 'dummy on table' on your mental checklist as you start playing a hand! 


Have a great weekend everyone!
