Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 4 October 2024

In our newsletter this week..

  • BFACT News
  • Defibrillator Course
  • Melbourne Cup
  • New Members
  • John Brockwell's Column
  • Upcoming Events
  • Ian Morison
  • Lighter Moments




After the recent BFACT (Bridge Federation of the ACT) AGM there are some new faces on the BFACT Council.

President: Wendy Boxall - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vice President: Richard Hills- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Treasurer: Roger Brake - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Secretary: Cathy Nichols - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Tournament Secretary: Niek Van Vucht - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please feel free to say hi, chat or send an email.


As the new President, I would like to acknowledge all the work of our retiring Secretary, John Niven, and thank him for his time on Council. I am also particularly thankful to Cathy Nichols who is not only our new Secretary but also our Immediate Past President. Her presence on the executive will certainly mean that it is much easier for me to fulfil my new role.

The first meeting for the new BFACT year will be held on Friday 11 October at Canberra Bridge Club following the afternoon bridge session. A number of our Council members will be playing in that session so please reach out and say hello. Let's all make the coming year a great one for bridge in the ACT!

Wendy Boxall

President BFACT


Call for nominations to the Canberra Bridge Club Committee

As members will be aware, the Club’s AGM is scheduled for 29 October 2024. We are now calling for nominations from members to join the new Committee. All of the positions on the Committee are available for members to nominate and these include the office holders that include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Tournament Secretary and 5 ordinary Committee members.
We would encourage members who are interested in actively supporting the Club and its running to nominate. This is a great way to contribute to the business and management of the Club, as well as learn more about the Club. Being a member of the Committee is not only a great way to support the Club but is an excellent way to meet other Club members and help our Club be a vibrant active organization supporting the learning and playing of bridge.
The nomination form will be circulated to all members and nominations need to be submitted by 2pm Monday 28 October 2024.

  • Nomination by 28 October 2pm - place in the yellow box in the office
  • AGM 29 October 2024 - 5:30pm 



Defibrillator Course 

St John’s Ambulance will be conducting a course on how to use the defibrillator here in the CBC clubrooms on Wednesday 9th October at 2pm. 

Anyone is free to attend, please RSVP the office if you are interested in coming along.

  • Wednesday 9th October 2pm -4pm


Melbourne Cup     

Get ready - it's "The Race that Stops a Nation"  

Lock it in, Tuesday 5 November 2024. The afternoon Bridge session will include Melbourne Cup fun.

We will have $5 and $2 sweeps on arrival, so start stockpiling small change.

The Club will supply refreshments - bubbly, juice and light nibbles.  The Director will adopt a session that allows us to stop, have a drink and something to eat while we  watch the race. Bridge will then continue. 

Dress in style (or not). There will be a prize for the best outfit, hat or fascinator announced at the end of the session.



New Members


Canberra Bridge Club welcomes the following new and returning members to our club:

  • Theresa Wade
  • David Pettit
  • Carolyn Pettit
  • Terry Pearson
  • Mason Mason-Cox
  • Mark Wilson
  • William Webb



John Brockwell's Column 


Four tricks or three?

Dummy KJ32 You A54

If you need four tricks from this common combination, the play is straight forward: Play the Ace, then finesse against the Queen, then hope that the suit breaks 3/3. The 3/3 break rates to be 36% and the Queen onside rates to be 50%. So, the overall chance of success is only 18%. But it’s the best chance for four tricks.
If, on the other hand, you only need three tricks, the play is quite different: Start with the King, then play the Ace, then lead low towards the Jack. This will get you three tricks whenever the suit breaks 3/3 and whenever the Queen is doubleton offside. The overall chance of success is more than 75%. (A mathematician amongst us will tell us exactly how much more.)

- John Brockwell

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



CBC Sessions change October 4-7

Due to Canberra in Bloom being run in our club rooms during October 4-7,  the following sessions have been cancelled:

  • Friday (4 October) morning - OFF
  • Friday (4 October) afternoon - OFF
  • Saturday (5 October) afternoon - OFF
  • Monday (7 October) morning - OFF

We encourage all our members to play in as many CIB competitions as possible but if you are not playing in the events please note that our RealBridge sessions will still be running as per schedule.

  • RealBridge sessions for Saturday and the two sessions for Monday - ON 


Upcoming Events

Halloween Bridge Night

Bring a plate of Halloween themed food to share, dress up if you wish, bring your best Halloween jokes!

Normal Bridge session at 7:15pm with chief Ghoul John directing. Incantations and wand waving permitted.

Small prizes will be handed out by the Chief Ghoul.

If you have additional Halloween decorations that you would be happy for the club to use please drop them in to the office on Tuesday 29th October or before lunch on Wednesday 30th October.

  • Wednesday 30th October 6:30pm


Ian Morison


Lighter Moments

  • Where do bad rainbows go? To prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect. 


Don't forget to change your clocks on Sunday and have lots of fun playing in Canberra in Bloom everyone!
