Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 27 March 2025

In our newsletter this week...

  • President's Message
  • Message from the Committee
  • Kieser Exercise Class 
  • Etiquette Month
  • New Members
  • Easter Raffle
  • Looking for help, advice, commiserations about a difficult hand?
  • Results
  • Upcoming Events
  • It's Human Nature - cardplay
  • Lighter Moments


President's Message


Ian Morison has advised the club he will no longer be making his contribution to the Newsletter. We note he has been doing this for a very long time, and his efforts have been very much appreciated. We thank him and wish him well for the future.

 - Mary




Message from the Committee

The Committee is in the process of updating its bylaws and invites CBC member consultation. The latest version can be found on our website. Please provide any feedback by 31 March to the CBC manager via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and it will be passed on to the Committee for consideration.



Kieser Exercise Class

Following the success of the first Balance and Bone Loading class back in November 2024, Kieser will be running a second complimentary exercise class for our members in the Barry Turner Room.

  • Thursday April 3 at 2pm

More details will be available later, but if you are interested in attending please RSVP by letting the office know or emailing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



March is Etiquette month

Some simple guidance on general bridge etiquette will be included in the Newsletters for the month of March. This will give players some helpful tips on ensuring enjoyable bridge play.


Partnership Etiquette 

Be nice to your partner. 

Nobody makes mistakes on purpose.  Refrain from saying at the table comments such as “Why didn’t you lead my suit?” or “I signalled for a club!!” etc.

Have constructive, partnership growing conversations at the end of the session while going over the hand record together. 

There is one especially nice thing you can do sometimes.  When an opponent has revoked but the revoke has had no material effect on the outcome of the play, you can ask the Director to waive any penalty. 


New Members


Canberra Bridge Club welcomes the following new and returning member to the club:

  • Oliver Simonetti
  • Alex Wilkinson



Easter Raffle


The club is holding another Easter raffle to be drawn on 11th April 2025.

Tickets are available from the table under the noticeboard and cost $2 each or 3 for $5.

The proceeds will be shared between the club and the club's charity for this year - the Arthritis Foundation.



Looking for help, advice, commiserations about a difficult hand?


The club has recently revamped its teaching program and part of our new approach includes provision of teaching/mentoring/discussion for the intermediate or advanced club player as well as our ongoing program for beginners.

Do you have a hand you found difficult? An auction you and your partner disagree on? A situation that comes up again and again which you find yourselves guessing about? You may wish to email us at:

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and our friendly teaching staff will provide their suggestions, critique or sympathy for difficult hands you have had to bid, play or defend. Some of those hands may appear in future newsletters (with the names changed to protect the innocent) as if you’re having trouble with them there is a good chance other club members will too.

Any queries are accepted – how should I bid this hand? How should I play this hand? How should I play multi-twos? Is a short club better than better minor?.....Any and all questions will be answered (usually within a day, although sometimes it can take up to a week if things are busy).

In addition, if you have not yet attended any of the weekend workshops run by Will Jenner-O’Shea, why not consider trying those? His workshops are always fun, friendly and extremely informative.  The next one is on: Sunday the 18th of May.




The BFACT Open Teams Qualifying Event concluded this Tuesday. The top two qualifying teams will now play off in a grand final on Wednesday 2nd April. The winning teams were:

  • First - HURST (Rob Hurst, Elizabeth Yoo, Barbara Toohey, Tony Marker)
  • Second - KOZAKOS (George Kozakos, Ian Thomson, David Appleton, Brad Coles)

Congratulations to both grand finalists and good luck next week!

Well done to all teams who competed. It was a closely fought event.


Tasmanian Festival of Bridge results

Roger Penny Senior Swiss Pairs:

2nd - Ian Robinson & Neil Ewart

Results can be found here:



Upcoming Events


Tuesday night Competition - Matchpoint Pairs ( incl Ted Crichton Mixed Pairs)



It's Human Nature


A lot of the time, we can deduce the correct play at the bridge table by understanding the likely distributions of the cards around the table. However, sometimes we may need to use a different way of thinking.

This hand came up in this week's afternoon session and nearly every Declarer went down. 

How could we think about it to find the correct line of play?

Steve Geddes



Lighter Moments

I asked my wife if I was the only one she's ever truly loved and she thought for a bit before replying "Yes. Most of the others were nines or tens."


Have a great week everyone!

Steve and Elizabeth