Newsletter 13 March 2025
In our newsletter this week...
- President's Message
- Message from the Committee
- ANC 2026
- Etiquette Month
- New Members
- Rank Promotions
- ACT Region Novice and Rookie Championships
- Youthish Night
- Upcoming Events
- Ian Morison
- Lighter Moments
President's Message
Congratulations to our women members who spent last weekend competing in the BFACT Women’s trials for the glory of representing the ACT at the ANC in Brisbane in July. Special mention goes to Jade Wilkinson (one of our Youth members) who did an exceptional job playing with Jodi Tutty (and Anita DeLorenzo) as non-contending for the Team. This is fabulous news for the future of Women’s bridge in the ACT!
The 2025 ACT Women's team are: Lyn Carter & Jennifer Carter, Judith Tobin & Wendy Boxall, Julia Hoffman & Pam Crichton
The first lesson for Refresher courses (“Listening to the Auction, Placing the Cards, Planning the Play”) commenced at the Club yesterday afternoon with around 60 attendees! It appears our members are hungry to learn, and are very appreciative of the structure and level of this course which is aimed at the more advanced players who are keen to improve their bridge! I would like to thank all of our teachers for the amount of work they are putting in, and in particular to Steve for making this Refresher course so successful.
Good luck and safe travels to all our members who are heading to Batemans Bay for the Congress this weekend. Hope everyone has a fabulous time!
- Mary
Message from the Committee
The Committee is in the process of updating its bylaws and invites CBC member consultation. The latest version can be found on our website. Please provide any feedback by 31 March to the CBC manager via email at
The annual Australian National Championships (ANC) is one of the premier events in the Australian bridge calendar. Held over thirteen days in July each year, it includes the Interstate Pairs and Teams Championships, where competitors have been selected to represent their state or territory. It also features Butler pairs events where Australia’s best players compete for eligibility for the play-off for the Australian Open and Mixed teams. The location of the ANC rotates through the states and territories. In 2026 it will be the turn of the Bridge Federation of the ACT (BFACT) to host the ANC. To accompany the national events, we plan to hold many events open to all players – hoping for entries from more than 300 players. We would like to make the Canberra ANC an event that welcomes players at all levels from all over Australia, following the successful example of the ANC held in Orange in 2024 where local players welcomed visitors to their city.
Cathy Nichols and I will be organising the congress on behalf of BFACT. It will be held over thirteen days from Sat 4 to Thu 16 July 2026 at the Canberra Labor Club/Mercure Hotel in Belconnen. Please put these dates in your diary.
In addition to presenting a congress that we hope players at all levels will enjoy, it is an opportunity for BFACT to earn some much-needed funds that can be used to support us all. Accordingly, I am appealing to all of you to support BFACT by volunteering to help us to make the ANC a social and financial success.
Although it seems like July 2026 is some time away, we have already started our planning. We need the assistance of volunteers in all areas over the next eighteen months, including making our visitors to Canberra feel welcome, promotion of the event to potential entrants and sponsors, preparation of welcome packs, and most importantly, the hundreds of tasks (large and small) needed to run a successful bridge congress. Many of the tasks don’t require attendance at the event, for example, before the event we need skills in IT and graphic design and afterwards volunteers to launder tablecloths. We would welcome the help of younger people as caddies and to set up and dismantle our playing equipment (the ANC is in the school holidays), so the involvement of your children and/or grandchildren would also be appreciated.
We are seeking sponsorship for the event from local businesses, both in cash or in kind. If you know of a business that might be interested in supporting the ANC in return for advertising to local and/or interstate players, please tell us.
If you can help in any way, please contact Cathy or I (phone or email) or approach us when we next see you at the club. Our contact details are:
- Cathy Nichols 0488-778863 tcnichols@bigpond,com
- Lyn Carter 0402-077958
March is Etiquette month
Some simple guidance on general bridge etiquette will be included in the Newsletters for the month of March. This will give players some helpful tips on ensuring enjoyable bridge play.
Calling the Director Etiquette
When there is a problem at the table, maybe a lead or bid out of turn for example, or any other situation, the Director must be called to get the game back on track. One player calls “Director Please” and puts his or her hand in the air and keeps it there until the Director has acknowledged they know which table to come to. That person must be allowed to speak to the Director first and finish what they have to say. We must all be conscious that many newer players are uneasy about the presence of the Director. So if it becomes necessary to summon the Director, it is nice to say to a newer player words to the effect "there's been a minor infraction; do you mind if we call the Director; there's nothing at all to worry about".
New Members
Canberra Bridge Club welcomes the following new and returning member to the club:
- Bettina Smith
- Ruth Meadows
- Julie McKinnon
- Kris Erwood
- Michelle Fitzgerald
Rank Promotions
- Holdich, Joy
- Whyte, Ian
- Cantamessa, Cindy
- Short, Diana
- Tomati, Lynne
- McGregor, Pam
- Thearle, Susie
Bronze Local
- McCredie, Andrew
Silver Local
- Collins, Mick
- Meikle, Janis
- Rowan, Sydney
- Young, Jane
- Birkby, Paul
- Birkby, Debra
- Flanagan, Kerry
- Shilling, Penelope
- Ward, Kate
Bronze State
- Blumenthal, Edith
- Brake, Roger
Silver Life
- Cutcliffe, Tamara
ACT Region Novice and Rookie Championships
This Red Matchpoint Pairs event will crown the ACT Region Rookie Champion Pair and the ACT Region Novice Champion Pair. The event is sponsored by the Bridge Federation of the ACT and Canberra Bridge Club.
Held over two sessions, this event will commence at 10 am at Canberra Bridge Club in Deakin with a break for lunch. To qualify, each player must have less than 100 masterpoints. The (lower) Rookie category will be determined once entries close and will be set at a natural break in the entries.
We suggest you bring your own lunch as the cafes at the Deakin shops are usually shut at Sunday lunchtime. At the end of play there will be drinks and nibbles with the winners’ presentations.
The prize winners must be members of a BFACT affiliated club. In addition, members of Canberra Bridge Club are eligible for the CBC Novice Championship and CBC Rookie Championship titles.
- SUNDAY 30 MARCH 2025
- Cost: $30
- Click here to register
For enquiries and help in arranging partnerships, please email
Youthish Nights at the Canberra Bridge Club
The CBC will be holding monthly "Youthish" Nights for all ACT Bridge Players under 40 years.
Entry is FREE and there will be a Pizza dinner!
All ages and experience levels are welcome, no partner required.
• Friday 21 March
• Friday 18 April (Good Friday)
• Friday 16 May
Each evening will have the following schedule:
• Session 1: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
• Dinner: 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
• Session 2: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Come to either or both!
Register your interest by completing the sign up sheet in the Barry Turner Room or emailing
These events are supported by BFACT.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday night Competition - Matchpoint Pairs ( incl Ted Crichton Mixed Pairs)
- 1, 8 and 15 April - 7:15pm
- Click here to Enter
BFACT ANC Senior Team Selection
- Friday 28-03-2025 - 7:15pm , Saturday 29-03-2025 - 10am, Sunday 30-03-2025 - 10am
- Click here to Enter
Ian Morison
Lighter Moments
- What did one blood cell say to another blood cell that was having a bad day?
B positive - What does a vacuum cleaner say to another vacuum cleaner who has a bad day?
That SUCKS! - Why don't Flat Earthers care if they're having a bad day?
They're always on top of the world - What's the highlight of a bad bridge day?
You've won the auction in your splinter suit and didn't even get doubled
Yes, I made up that last one. If you would like to make a comment regarding the manager generating her own jokes for publication, please remember to send your feedback (and your much better jokes) to the new email address
Have a great day everyone!