Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 21 February 2025

In our newsletter this week...

  • March is “Etiquette month”
  • Youthish Night
  • Saturday Afternoon Bridge
  • New Members
  • Charity Table
  • Workshop with Will Jenner-O'Shea
  • Wednesday Night Pizzas
  • Upcoming Events
  • Ian Morison


March is “Etiquette month”

Watch this space! Starting next week and continuing for the month of March we will be sharing helpful tips so everyone can enjoy a friendly game.


Youthish Nights at the Canberra Bridge Club

The CBC will be holding monthly "Youthish" Nights for all ACT Bridge Players under 40 years.

Entry is FREE and there will be a Pizza dinner!

All ages and experience levels are welcome, no partner required.

• Friday 21 March
• Friday 18 April (Good Friday)
• Friday 16 May

Each evening will have the following schedule:

• Session 1: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
• Dinner: 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
• Session 2: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Come to either or both!

Register your interest by completing the sign up sheet in the Barry Turner Room or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

These events are supported by BFACT.

Information Flyer Link



Saturday Afternoon Bridge

Last Saturday afternoon we reopened the f2f bridge here at the club with 5 tables. It would be great if more people were able to join this enthusiastic group!

Don't forget it starts at 1pm. RealBridge sessions will run as per usual.


New Members

Canberra Bridge Club welcomes the following new and returning member to the club:

  • Jade Wilkinson
  • Xiaomei Wallace
  • Rama Gogineni


Charity Table

Every year our members choose a charity organisation to support. The club has set up a produce table supplied by our members with proceeds from the table going to our charity. This year Canberra Bridge Club is supporting the Arthritis Organisation. We ask that the members support our chosen charity by donating generously when taking something from the produce table.


Workshop with Will Jenner-O'Shea

There is still time to register for Will's course on "Getting To Good No-Trump Games More Often":

- Using the Fourth-Suit Forcing Convention
- Showing Stoppers, and Asking for Stoppers
- Improve Your Hand Evaluation
- Play and Defence Tips at No-Trump Contracts

This whole day workshop includes morning tea and lunch.


Wednesday Night Pizzas

The Wednesday night pizzas provide the opportunity for social interaction while enjoying a pizza sampling. It provides a great opportunity to talk to and socialise with your fellow players, which is not always the case when engaged in playing bridge.

  • 26 February - 6:30pm
  • $5 payable on the day for half a pizza
    Those wishing to partake should place their name on a list on the noticeboard or contact Jon Pike directly. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mobile 0414 272 778. Learners are most welcome to participate.



Upcoming Events

Next daytime RED Masterpoint Events is the Grand Slam Pairs starting on:

  • Wednesday 10am - 5 March, 12 March, 19 March


2025 ACT Womens Team Selection Event  

Register now to play in the ANC Women's Teams selection event to be held in our clubrooms. This event is open for all women in a BFACT affiliated club and is a great event to play competitive bridge regardless of whether you and your partner wish to play in the ANC or not.




In recent weeks, so many Canberra players have competed so many important tournaments that some great efforts have slipped under the radar.  Here is one of those splendid performances.

Zara Chowdhury and Liam Minogue won the Pairs Championship at the Youth Week tournament that immediately preceded the Summer Festival.
Youth Week (also known as the Australian Youth Championhips) has been running since 1969 and is the 3rd-oldest major tournament on the
Australian calendar. As Pairs Champions, Zara and Liam join some great names, e.g. George Havas & Bobby Richman, Cathy Chua & Michael Courtney, Ashley Bach & Ishmael Del'Monte, and numerous other internationals. (Of course, Zara herself is already an international.) A mixed pair has won on only only eight occasions in 57 years. Bravo Zara and Liam! 


Changing tournaments, one of several very recent additions to the Gold Coast programme is the Ivy Dahler Pairs Championship. Earlier this month, the 2025 Ivy Dahler Pairs was won by Canberrans Alex Goss and Andrew Spooner. Bravo Alex and Andrew!

- John Brockwell



Ian Morison


Have a great weekend everyone! 
