Canberra Bridge Club


Smart Search Module


The club uses myABF to manage payment for all bridge sessions and bridge lessons other than beginner lessons.


1. Members: All members need to have a MyABF account with funds.The cost of your bridge sessions and bridge lessons will be deducted from your MyABF account.

2. Supervised sessions: Graduates from our beginner program can pay for supervised sessions using vouchers or cash prior to joining the club. On joining we will give you an ABF number. This can then be used to set up a MyABF account.

3. Visitors: Visitors without MyABF accounts need to pay by cash or arrange for their partner to pay for them.


How to top up your myABF account

payment myABF

If you have opted to top up your myABF account manually you will need to keep checking your balance to avoid running out of funds to pay for your table fees. The club recommends having auto top up turned ON so that you won't need to worry about the financial aspects of your bridge. 

A revision on how to set this up is outlined below:

To add money to my MyABF account log on to andl og on using your abf number and your password. (If you can't remember your password, you might need to reset it. Instructions will be sent to your registered email address)

Click on the green icon "Bridge Credits" - there are two options: 

  1.  Manually top up your Bridge Credits (1$ = 1 Bridge Credit) by typing in your credit or debt card details
  2. or you can arrange for your account to be automatically topped up when your balance falls below $20. The club recommends the automatic top up option, with a minimum top up of $50.

To enable auto top up you you will need to click on the ON button - you will need to link your credit card details
If you are only wanting to top up your account then leave it to OFF and instead click on "TOP UP BALANCE"

  • Note that if you change your credit or debt card, this is where you will need to access in order to update your new card number.


Other Questions about myABF



  • What happens if my balance goes negative? myABF accounts do not allow negative balances.


  • Is myABF secure? myABF uses the Stripe platform as a secure online payment provider. Stripe is similar to PayPal and is a worldwide company. All card details are handled securely through Stripe. The ABF does not store anybody’s Credit/Debit Card details.


  • I have set up auto top using my credit card. What happens when it expires? You will be notified by myABF that there is an issue with your payment. Before it expires, however, you can update your credit card details by clicking on "UPDATE" function (under Bridge Credits) and re-entering your new card number.


  • Can I pay for my partner using MyABF? If your partner does not have a MyABF account, you can pay for your partner and seek reimbursement from them. However, you must advise the director at the start of play. For competition events, you can enter and pay for your partner or team-mates and they can transfer funds from their account to your account at any time to reimburse you.


  • I need help to set up my MyABF account - Please contact the office for assistance.


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