Canberra Bridge Club


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Newsletter 27 September 2024

In our newsletter this week..

  • Defibrillator Course
  • John Brockwell's Column
  • Canberra in Bloom 
  • Club members competing Overseas
  • Results
  • Upcoming Events
  • Ian Morison
  • Lighter Moments
  • Message from the Office


Call for nominations to the Canberra Bridge Club Committee


As members will be aware, the Club’s AGM is scheduled for 29 October 2024. We are now calling for nominations from members to join the new Committee. All of the positions on the Committee are available for members to nominate and these include the office holders that include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Tournament Secretary and 5 ordinary Committee members.
We would encourage members who are interested in actively supporting the Club and its running to nominate. This is a great way to contribute to the business and management of the Club, as well as learn more about the Club. Being a member of the Committee is not only a great way to support the Club but is an excellent way to meet other Club members and help our Club be a vibrant active organization supporting the learning and playing of bridge.
The nomination form will be circulated to all members and nominations need to be submitted by 2pm Monday 28 October 2024.

  • Nomination by 28 October 2pm - place in the yellow box in the office
  • AGM 29 October 2024 - 5:30pm 



Defibrillator Course 

St John’s Ambulance will be conducting a course on how to use the defibrillator here in the CBC clubrooms on Wednesday 9th October at 2pm. 

Anyone is free to attend, please RSVP the office if you are interested in coming along.

  • Wednesday 9th October 2pm -4pm


John Brockwell's Column 


Green/Blue/Red/Yellow (4)

Thank goodness we’re coming to end of this series. Despite its importance, I’m getting tired of it, and you must be too.
Let’s deal with YELLOW ─ or not deal with it. A YELLOW system is also known as HUM (highly unusual methods). I know of only one pair in Australia who play a YELLOW system, so you are extremely unlikely to encounter it. And if you do, you will get several days’ notice that will include a suggested defence. So, let’s not go there.
That leaves only BROWN STICKER (that we have not mentioned up till now). Let’s hear what the ABF website says about BROWN STICKER:
“Any system may also have a BROWN STICKER. This means that the system has particular bidding sequences which the regulators feel need special defence. They are reasonably uncommon, but an example is where you have an opening bid at the two level that shows a two-suited hand but neither suit is known, e.g. 2NT shows 5/5 in either the minors or the majors.”
If you have any doubt at all about whether a system is BROWN STICKER, please ask your Director. And, if you use a BROWN STICKER convention, don’t forget to advise your opponents before play commences.
Next week, we’ll have something entirely different.


- John Brockwell

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Canberra in Bloom  

Canberra in Bloom is being held on 4-7 October with events catering for all levels. It is being played at Canberra Bridge Club, with morning and afternoon tea provided and prizes to win.

Today is the last day to enter. There is one spot left for the novice/restricted teams, and one spot each in the novice and restricted IMP pairs on the Sunday/Monday. All other events are closed.

For further information, contact Roger Brake at or 0466009426


Canberra in Bloom - Help Needed and House Reserves

Thanks you to those who have said they can help out during Canberra in Bloom. We are looking for a few more, so if you can spare a few hours, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Are you able to reserve for any of the events at Canberra in Bloom? We are looking for players at all levels to fill in if needed. If you are called on at short notice, you will play for free! If you can help out as a reserve please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include "Reserve" in the subject line.



CBC Sessions change October 4-7

Due to Canberra in Bloom being run in our club rooms during October 4-7,  the following sessions have been cancelled:

  • Friday (4 October) morning - OFF
  • Friday (4 October) afternoon - OFF
  • Saturday (5 October) afternoon - OFF
  • Monday (7 October) morning - OFF

We encourage all our members to play in as many CIB competitions as possible but if you are not playing in the events please note that our RealBridge sessions will still be running as per schedule.

  • RealBridge sessions for Saturday and the two sessions for Monday - ON



Supervised Session Friday October 4


Instead of the usual supervised session there will be a special mini competition for all beginners and supervised players. The competition will start at 10am in the Olive Lott Room - all graduates of the recent beginners course and supervised players are invited to attend. No need to register.



Club members competing overseas


Congratulations to Jodi Tutty and Ian Thomson for their results in India last week.

They were competing at the HCL International Bridge Championship, India’s preeminent bridge event.

Jodi and Ian were part of the AceMates team, Jodi playing with David Beauchamp and Ian with Tony Leibowitz.

The headline event was the Team of Four which attracted a strong field of internationals and India’s top players.

In the qualifying, AceMates achieved an awesome result of 3rd out of the 51 teams. Unfortunately they lost their round of 16 match, so finished equal ninth.

Jodi and David then played the Open Pairs where they won the Silver Final with a massive 61%.

In a great result for Australian bridge, the WHAM team of Sartaj Hans, Andy Hung, Matthew Brown and Michael Whibley won the Team of Four. They beat Boye Brogeland’s Norwegian team in the semi-final then a strong American pro team in the grand final.

- David Wawn




The 2024 BFACT InterClub Teams event results are online and congratulations to the CBC team who have won the Seniors category:



Upcoming Events 


Egon Larsen Butler Pairs


Next Tuesday night competition is a three weeks Butler Scoring event in either a Round Robin or Swiss Movement.



Ian Morison



Lighter Moments


Last week I was called to a table which had a very unusual problem. Declarer was in a Heart contract. Midway through playing the contract one of defenders having run out of the suit that was being played by Declarer, trumped the card played. So far, so good, because everyone around the table accepted the Defender's claim of that trick. The only issue, which they discovered after playing a few more tricks, was that the Defender had 'trumped' with the Queen of Spades. Spades were neither trumps nor the suit led! After some consideration, there were tricks transferred to the declaring side. The lesson from this? Make sure that when someone claims they have trumped one of your cards that they trump with a card from the trump suit and don't just accept their claim that they have won that play!

 - Bricet


Message from the Office

20240924 084319

On Tuesday 24th of September the club finally retired the old ducted heating and cooling system. We are now in the process of upgrading to a better and more user friendly unit which will hopefully be operation by the end of the month. Huge thanks to our house committee for their hard work. If you would like to see some photos or even a video of how this day unfolded click here .





The Grange Deakin
Battery World
Tony Bemrose Insurance Brokers (TBIB)
Travel Associates
Ord Minnett
Colourful World
Pacific Facilities Maintenance
Golden Oldies
Double Shot